Recent content by noumed

  1. N

    Engineering Series/Parallel Circuit Help

    Welcome to physicsforums! Let's start with the first circuit, shall we? Assuming all bulbs have the same resistance, then... Should be C>A=B=>D=E You got the fact that C > D=E correct, but consider this. The overall circuit has one total current. When it meets the first branch AB, it...
  2. N

    History Did the Moghuls of India Really Build the World's Largest Cannon?

    And if you see the same cat doing it again, then it must be dejavu and the code was altered!
  3. N

    What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

    Love people with all my heart.
  4. N

    Thevenin equivalent circuit problem

    8ohms look right to me as well.
  5. N

    Recent Snowstorm Pile-Up | Fredericton, New Brunswick

    Speaking of sliding cars... I wouldn't try to get out of the car...
  6. N

    News Major conflict in 21st century ?

    But it's also careless to associate any Muslim as a potential radical out there to kill people. If we do, then couldn't the same be said about other religions?
  7. N

    I took a taxi to work this morning I think

    That's creepy. I'm thankful that I live in CA, we had a freeze warning for the last couple of days, but that's about it. =]
  8. N

    Think I am high off of dry-erase marker

    i like sniffing on them! back when i was a wee boy, i liked getting out of the car at gas stations whenever dad was filling up just to smell gasoline.
  9. N

    EE Engineering Major: Micro-electronics or Power Electronics?

    Power is certainly more stable than any other fields, at least as far as I've seen so far. Your professor is right however, do whatever you're comfortable with. You can definitely work at other fields, the fact that you have a degree when you graduate basically tells people that you're...
  10. N

    Don't Pay Me to Release CO2 -- I'm Impossible to Find!

    "One million dollar! Mwahahahahha"
  11. N

    How do stereotypes portray confident people?

    Or comedians, they make their living off of stereotypes. I personally think confidence comes with experience. As you grow older, you begin to understand what are the things you're good at, and what your limits are.
  12. N

    Bringing an Old Robot Radio to Life: Building an AM/FM Receiver

    Are you familiar with the modulation basics? I'm not sure what your background on these things are, but here's a quick" that I found on Google that might prove to be useful to you.
  13. N

    Engineering A computer programme to controll 3 stepper motor

    Depends on what microcontroller you're going to control the steppers with. I used ATMEL before in the past, and they have good Application Notes you can read up on their" to get started. Just do a CTRL+F search on steppers.
  14. N

    Can Arnold and Bruce Save the World?

    Now that you mention it. I've only started this job in July, fresh out of college, so I'm still used to the fast-paced academic environment where you always have something to do every night. Now that I'm working, I have all this free time after work, and it's just weird! Oh, how I wish I could...
  15. N

    How Can I Track Which Schools I Sent My GRE Scores To?

    Should've kept that mail after all. Dumpster-diving time, perhaps? :rofl: