Recent content by |Orion's Thought|

  1. O

    Exploring the Possibility of a Star Collision

    Has there ever been an observed star collision? If there hasn't, what might occur?
  2. O

    Is the Expansion of the Universe Driven by Mass?

    So if you could ever escape the gravity of all the particles in the universe, you would be "outside" the universe?
  3. O

    I have a question for everyone here

    From the information I've read here and on the websites provided, it does not seem that there is much chance of one becoming an astronomer?
  4. O

    Are Non-Carbon Based Life Forms Really Possible?

    Sure, why isn't it plausible? There are probably atoms on other planets that don't exist on Earth that can form the basis of life quite well for those beings and their planetary conditions.
  5. O

    Possible experiment to determine existence of souls?

    Actually, I don't think it would be that hard to control. You would normally make the same things at the same factories, such as robotic arms. It would be useless to make one here and another one there. As for the food being identical down to the molecule... well, I don't think that humans will...
  6. O

    Unraveling the Mystery of Cu(en)2 in Chemistry

    While I may not know much about chemistry, 99% of the hits I got from google returned the formula- C2H8N2, thereby concurring with t!m.
  7. O

    Is Physics the Ultimate Authority?

    Well, in that case, I don't see why, if we all believed so, we could fly or jump really high or etc., or do you think its that hard to let go of what we think we know to be true? Is it harder to learn or unlearn something? Is this like- if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear...
  8. O

    Possible experiment to determine existence of souls?

    Whos your friend?:biggrin: I do not believe that they would do the exact same thing, because, like my brother and I, they might think differently, even in identical conditions, I don't think they would. Your genes determine who you are, but they don't completely control you.
  9. O

    Seeing the edge of an unbounded, closed universe

    Never heard of Kaku's 'Hyperspace', but what I can say is, good ole ants! Once again, saving the day in online demonstrations! But seriously, is there anyplace I can look to find out more about Kaku's Hyperspace?
  10. O

    Electricity Regained: Harnessing Power from Two Batteries in an Electric Car

    First- please don't get angry with me, I've been letting my friend ask the questions, and second- he asks, what if there was a generator attached to the back and front axels, to each is hooked up one battery. Then, when you start out, its front wheel drive, then, you switch to rear wheel drive...
  11. O

    Can a Computer Truly Exhibit Free Will?

    I don't believe it is free choice, because the programmer does know what the outcome will be, it will be whatever the user decides to put into the calculator to get an outcome following the rules set for it by the programmer. I have a TI-80, so hah!
  12. O

    What are some other roots for the tree of evil?

    Which is worse- One aggrovating another knowing the consequences, or the one who reacts to the other, also knowing the consequences of his/her actions?
  13. O

    Electricity Regained: Harnessing Power from Two Batteries in an Electric Car

    Yes, but one battery isn't powering the other battery, its powering the wheels. In turn, the wheels are powering the other batter through the generator, so the first battery isn't interacting at all with the second battery, its only job is to move the wheels. Whats this about a regenerative...
  14. O

    Finding an Acid to Cut Through Aluminium

    Like aluminum foil?
  15. O

    Electricity Regained: Harnessing Power from Two Batteries in an Electric Car

    But once battery #1 runs out it switches to battery #2, however much it is charged. It leapfrogs back and forth.