Recent content by Phantomas

  1. P

    S. I hope you can open the linkSolving the Pentagram Star Puzzle

    [Edit] I can see it now :smile: Seems you did it. Congrats! P.
  2. P

    S. I hope you can open the linkSolving the Pentagram Star Puzzle

    yes, there is a solution :smile:
  3. P

    S. I hope you can open the linkSolving the Pentagram Star Puzzle

    @gerben your attachment doesn't work for me.
  4. P

    S. I hope you can open the linkSolving the Pentagram Star Puzzle

    Yes any way you want. And no it doesn't have to cut all the way through. Actualy you can make new triangle/s outside the star if you like.
  5. P

    S. I hope you can open the linkSolving the Pentagram Star Puzzle

    Here is a grafical problem. You have to use two straight lines to cut up the pentagram star and you have to get 10 triangles. The triangles must not be counted twice. Or to put it another way, the same area can only be used once...
  6. P

    How did a kid build a functioning reactor?

    Makes you think huh :rolleyes: P.
  7. P

    Formation of Black Holes from Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs

    Danm, my mistake. :eek: Laps of sudden judgement. Of course it's velocitty increases. Sorry. :rolleyes:
  8. P

    Can Nonlinear Trajectories Lead to Linear Equilibrium?

    Exactly. It doesn't matter what kind of magnets you use. If they are stronger you have to use a heavier ball to get the same results, or just hang it higher. P.
  9. P

    Formation of Black Holes from Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs

    @Aphex Twin: Black holes can't be spinning, not noticeably anyway. A BH shrunk to its size from a large massive star. And since it's radius got smaller and smaller it's angular momentum also got smaller. So if it's spinnig it's angular velocity is very, very small. P.
  10. P

    Crossing Desert: Moving 10,000 Pounds of Figs with a Boulimic Camel

    If you made a mistake and ment the figgs, not grass, then the answer would be: none. Since there is 1000 miles to There, the camel must eat 1 pound per mile, that is 1000 pounds of figs per trip to There. But it can carry only 1000 pounds of figs, so it can only get to There, but it won't go...
  11. P

    Can Nonlinear Trajectories Lead to Linear Equilibrium?

    Hello all. Just a few observations. Our solar sisem is chaotic by nature (large time scail). Our life span is just too short for us to notice. Also weather is chaotic by nature, that means that in calm weather and in mid huricane it is impossible to predict future events for distant future...