Recent content by Pi01

  1. P

    How does Jordan form connect to the kernel of a matrix?

    The kernel of an operator (or matrix) is a vectorspace. The operator transforms the elements of the kernel to the null vector. For the Jordan form, the following dimensions should be known dim kernel (A-λI)k, where k=1...r and r is the algebraic multiplicity of λ. For k=1, dim kernel...
  2. P

    Infinitesimally small dielectric layers in a capacitor

    It is good to start with determining the D vector from the Gauss theorem. D is constant inside the device D=Q/A, where Q is the charge on the metal plate of the capacitor. Then, the electric field is E(x)=D/( ε_0 ε_r(x) ) The polarization vector is P(x)=ε_0 χ(x) E(x), where...
  3. P

    Infinitesimally small dielectric layers in a capacitor

    Just add together the results of sheets as they would be connected as a series 1/C=Ʃ_i Δx_i/ (ε_0 ε_r(x_i) A) Taking the limit Δx_i -> 0 1/C=\int_0^L dx/(ε_0 ε_r(x) A) where Δx_i is the thickness of one sheet, L is the distance between the plates and A is the area. Finally, you...