Recent content by Quantumental

  1. Q

    I Carroll's Derivation of the Born Rule in MWI with Unequal Amplitudes

    Surely whether the change is macroscopic or microscopic does not have any bearing on whether or not there's several branches in MWI? If I throw a tennis ball against the wall in virtually every world it will bounce back, it doesn't have tunnel through the wall for it to be counted as having...
  2. Q

    I The Horrifying Implications of the Many-Worlds Interpretation

    Even in a single universe there exist very real 'worst of the worst' kinds of experiences etched into the eternal space-time block universe. So while it is legitimate to feel bad that there might be nightmare branches, we don't really have a good reason to worry more about it than we worry about...
  3. Q

    I How many worlds is Many Worlds talking about?

    The jury is still out on this. Just 2 weeks ago this paper was published: which has implications if shown to apply
  4. Q

    I What does it take to solve the measurement problem? (new paper published)

    Their 'treatise' on Many Worlds also did not make much sense to me.
  5. Q

    I Realistic interpretation of QM

    Well, if you accept those premises you could always go Bohmian; real particles, a pilot wave guides them (explaining the wave properties of ensembles) and it is indeed non-local. It is also fully causal and deterministic.
  6. Q

    A 't Hooft cellular automaton interpretation

    How does it not model QM compared to all other interpretations?
  7. Q

    A Dieter Zeh's MWI as Schrödinger equation + further assumptions

    This post deserves a lot more attention than it has received thus far. I was privileged enough to have a couple of short interactions with Zeh before his passing (this was ~decade ago) and he seemed quite fervent that the original Everett + Decoherence was all you needed. The last paragraph you...
  8. Q

    Insights Superdeterminism and the Mermin Device

    I disagree. Copenhagen's "there are limits to what we can know about reality, quantum theory is the limit we can probe" is no different from "reality is made up of more than quantum theory" which SD implies. It's semantics. As for MWI, yes, but by doing away with unique outcomes (at least in the...
  9. Q

    Insights Superdeterminism and the Mermin Device

    I have never understood why there is such a visceral oppositional response to superdeterminism while the Many Worlds Interpretation and Copenhagen Interpretation enjoy tons of support. In Many Worlds the answer is essentially: "Everything happens, thus every observation is explained, you just...
  10. Q

    I Are the implications of MWI really this horrifying?

    In your view, what does this mean? Either Person A becomes Person B and C, or they don't. There is literally no other option. If both outcomes (persons) are equally real, how can you say that either of them is 'more likely' to experience a certain outcome? This is where MWI has not progressed...
  11. Q

    I Are the implications of MWI really this horrifying?

    These videos makes it very clear that Hartle and his Consistent/Decoherent Histories are just a synonym for Everettian Many Worlds: 1 2
  12. Q

    I What is the current status of Many Worlds?

    It sounds to me like CH is then by default just a more elaborate "Shut up and calculate using these tools" rather than an actual interpretation of QM
  13. Q

    I Problems with Paper on QM Foundations

    I'd say that the biggest problem causing this is the intrinsic 'hive mentality' of humans; students of professors almost always end up becoming a proponent of X view that he/she holds. Foundational topics also spread very geographically; look at how Everett's resurgence happened almost...
  14. Q

    I What is the current status of Many Worlds?

    Unless you're injecting a 'slight of hand' indeterministic element, how does CH derive a singular clear history which represents reality?
  15. Q

    I What is the current status of Many Worlds?

    This I do agree with and in many ways were the inspiration for the title of this post; even among the most ardent proponents of MWI there is fierce disagreement on this topic. Decision-Theoretic approach by David Deutsch and David Wallace vs Lev Vaidman's view for instance, another one that...