Recent content by Reptillian1

  1. R

    To all you males, do you spend time in front of the mirror looking at yourself?

    Looking at myself in the mirror? I do it when I think about myself.
  2. R

    What Other Evidence Supports the Idea of an Expanding Universe Besides Redshift?

    Well, these scientists are dethroned after scientists who takes into the consideration of the possibility they're right or willing to test it have shown that they're wrong. However, let me say this to you. Scientists who tries to find alternatives ideas being labeled as crackpots is nothing new...
  3. R

    Universe Expansion: What Am I Missing?

    At least someone is being honest here. There is nothing wrong with taking consideration of other models which explains our observations, but one has to assume the standard model is correct or at least the most plausible for lots of reasons as in one of them is that it explains lots of our...
  4. R

    Universe Expansion: is it really expanding?

    There are more than 1 type of red-shift which is gravitational red-shift, cosmological red-shift, and Doppler red-shift. The cause of the expansion of the universe is unknown while there are models other than the big bang that can still explain the red-shift, but you'll look into the big bang as...