Recent content by Rog

  1. Rog

    Curious Attraction: Investigating an Unexplained Phenomenon

    what you have to remember is the difference in pressure between the whole in the air behind the car that passes you and the pressure on the other side of your van. You don't say whether you opened both windows on both sides of the car, if you did then you should feel the air move through your...
  2. Rog

    Cable that holds the elevator got disconnected

    I always thought that the reason you would die in such a scenario is due to deceleration trauma i.e. when the elvator hit the ground your organy soft bits would continue and try and take up residence in your legs! So by this thinking even if you could jump at the quoted 60mph you would reduce...
  3. Rog

    Exploring Physics: Tips and Recommendations for Beginners

    Youll find a real good mix of people who now about physics and see it as a personnal passion and those who have learned physics who can put the meat on the bones on lot of what is discussed. I personally fall in the former cateogory. This sometimes has an interesting twist to some threads as we...
  4. Rog

    Sunspots: Viewing at Home - Simplest Method

    Being a beginner amateur astonomer I have read a lot of stuff on the net about this and no one has posted anything regarding damage. You can also by sun filters which will reveal more detail on your projection from a telescope. Before you attempt anything with a scope and the sun, I would do...
  5. Rog

    Is Engineering the Right Career Path for Me?

    Well judging from the school system you are describing along I assume that you are in the US. If this is the case then I cannot speak really for how its taught in US but I can tell you that if you have a good grounding in Physics, maths and English then you should be ok. Alot of what you learn...
  6. Rog

    Is Engineering the Right Career Path for Me?

    I am a Civil Engineer in the UK. It's hard work study wise and although i qualified some 10yrs ago, now I am still learning. That is the nice thing about our job. You continue to learn and watch your designs realized in practice. I am currently working on several projects including a school for...
  7. Rog

    Thought experiment(escape from black holes)

    As he enters the black hole, if he were to look back he would see the universe age at an increasing speed due to time dilaiton. so even if he were to try this idea of escape he would probably think its not worth it as he would see the universe end in what ever way this may happen.
  8. Rog

    Mystery of Roadside Traffic Sensors: What Do They Do?

    I worked in a Highway Authority some years back so here's the low down. Firstly, yes all they do is count traffic. They are normally two wires for either ensuring that the right direction of the traffic is being counted, or purely for redundency in case one gets damaged by a vehicle, as they...
  9. Rog

    Is Time a Proven Fact or Still Just a Theory?

    A book I would suggest, which is quite enlightning in regard to time theory and conjecture is "About Time" by Paul Davies. I think its about 4 years old now but I believe most of the theories considered are still current.
  10. Rog

    Daughter needs help with crazy physics instructor

    put a lid on it and turn it upside down
  11. Rog

    Winter Thunderstorms: Exploring the Mystery

    just an aside, but here in the uk we had snow storms last week which had lightning in them.
  12. Rog

    How high does a projectile go when fired upward at 58.8 m/s for 1.5 seconds?

    You have not supplied enough information. You would need to know the size, mass of the object to factor in wind resistance and kentic energy along with the effect of gravity.
  13. Rog

    Time Travel - what alot boll'clocks'

    Hmm is it? My definition of (forward) time travel is a machine into which I can step press a button and within minutes be 50 yrs in the future. This is entirelly possible with time dilation in relation to speed of an object. For example if you were take a machine and punch in date, say 2040 you...
  14. Rog

    Is the Weight of the Seesaw Relevant for Balancing It?

    Just a quick note. everyone so far has assumed that the seesaw is symetrical and if this is the case then they are correct in assuming that its weight has no bearing on the problem however if it isn't then it would. For example: If you take a 10kn seesaw which is 10 metres long but the...
  15. Rog

    Communication with Extraterrestrial Life

    I think this should be our galaxy not the universe for 10,000 possible intelligent life forms. Anyway I believe that each broadcast from a civilisation is like an expanding donut. i.e. from when radio technology is discovered to the eventual destruction of the civilisation which produced it. Or...