Recent content by Romulo Binuya

  1. R

    Something or nothing, which is more supported?

    Yes, there is no answer to the OP since our tool for abstraction the mathematics breaks down beyond 10^-43 second timeline of the universe. And that implies at least to me, that the spacetime doesn't always exists but neither it has its first moment.
  2. R

    No Fossil Fuels: Will We Find New Alternatives?

    We must stay in school and participate in the research whenever possible. Fossil fuels are technically ancient sunlight that was stored through photosynthesis. And plant leaves are harnessing solar energy more than scientists can explain the process. Achieving synthetic photosynthesis will...
  3. R

    Examining the Practicality and Validity of Social Sciences

    Yes both natural sciences and social sciences talk in terms of mathematics. And social sciences must be more rigorous in the calculations to account as much as possible all relevant variables to produce repeatable experiments that yield the same statistics. There are more reasons to be rigorous...
  4. R

    No Fossil Fuels: Will We Find New Alternatives?

    Fossil fuels are oil, gas, and coal. The Worldometers says world oil reserve will run out in about 40 years. Scientists and technicians are making progress in developing and harnessing renewable energy sources especially solar energy which are literally falling on our heads. I've seen on tv...
  5. R

    Examining the Practicality and Validity of Social Sciences

    Science is about the established rules of empirical, stable, and demonstrable protocol. Social sciences may not be considered science because they are not stable i.e. repeatable experiments that yield same results, but social sciences are useful nonetheless. For example there is no single...
  6. R

    Where does new space come from as the universe gets bigger?

    That's how I understood it too, the big bangis mathematically allowed by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and upheld by the General Theory of Relativity. Our universe emerged from vibrant nothingness, nothing as is not even empty space where time could exist. Nevertheless, henceforth the...
  7. R

    Must Watch Solar Flare Video - Stunning Detail!

    Nice to know that someone is interested in Heliophysics . And to feel at ease to mention an on-going research about"][/PLAIN] Flux Transfer Event . I have reason why I was killjoy to some celestial art connoisseur in a...
  8. R

    Must Watch Solar Flare Video - Stunning Detail!

    Nice, you found the time machine of the site. The CME from July 19 eruption in the OP did not hit Earth, but July 12 eruption did.. Earthsky reported it too.. http://Earth' and NASA...
  9. R

    Must Watch Solar Flare Video - Stunning Detail!

    You might like to bookmark this site.. or find "NOAA NWS Space Weather Prediction Center" in your favorite social media network for information when not to trust your GPS or unplug your electronic device especially if you don't have surge protector, among other info.
  10. R

    50 incredible facts about earth

    I had read about the underground fire in Centralia Pennsylvania, it is one of the most dangerous toxic ghost towns in the world. Btw, the Earth magnetosphere I think should be included in the fact sheet about earth. And...
  11. R

    Translating Poetry: Is the Soul Lost?

    Another poem, shared by a Romanian friend which she admitted her translation is inadequate. It seems to me that it's about sadness felt upon the arrival of Autumn and I offered "Autumn Blues" as a title. Unsatisfied with her translation, I googled it and found a better translation with...
  12. R

    Translating Poetry: Is the Soul Lost?

    That reminded me of a song some kids were singing, I tried to Google the whole lyrics but failed to find it, it goes like this the part I can remember... "Oh how lucky is the man who doesn't walk astray All he does prosper well But the wicked are not so they are like chaff in the wind...
  13. R

    Translating Poetry: Is the Soul Lost?

    We don't know yet who inspired who, better be a Sherlock Holmes and check the dates of publications.. and we could also speculate that it's another case of synchronicity? Anyways, I had the same feelings too on many occasions. Voltaire quoted "The instruction we find in books is like fire; we...
  14. R

    50 incredible facts about earth

    Who wants to see real-time world statistics? Yes, you'll be curious how they gather the data.
  15. R

    Translating Poetry: Is the Soul Lost?

    I had read in leisure the comedia in paperback but can't remember which translation it was. The images and annotations in it attracted me more than the comedia itself. The Princeton Dante Project is similar but this is on-line not in paperback. Btw...