Recent content by saint_n

  1. S

    Aysmptotics : Need help with residues

    ok I am starting to get it,,but what's happens if its a double pole.Do you work out the residues for both functions and multiply the 2 residues together or does it depend eg Gamma[s]Zeta[1-s] so the pole would be at 0. Since the Gamma fn and the Zeta are multiplied together you multiply the...
  2. S

    Aysmptotics : Need help with residues

    Hey Is there a method in calculating the residues. Getting the poles is easy but i really don't know how my lecturer gets the residues eg. 1/2(Zeta[s]*Gamma[s/2] where at s = 1 it is Sqrt[Pi]/2 etc how does he do it?
  3. S

    Need help with a complex inequality?

    for p = 1 |\frac{1}{2}(a+b)|\leq(\frac{1}{2}|(a+b)|)-ab isnt this false because you subtracting a ab on the RHS?
  4. S

    Need help with a complex inequality?

    so you saying that |\frac{1}{2}(a+b)|^{p}\leq(\sqrt[p]{\frac{1}{2}}|(a+b)|)^{p}-pab \leq \frac{1}{2}(|a|^p+|b|^p)
  5. S

    Need help with a complex inequality?

    Need help with a complex inequality?? hey! i been trying to do this inequality for a 2 hrs now and can't seem to prove it |\frac{1}{2}(a+b)|^p \leq \frac{1}{2}(|a|^p+|b|^p) where a,b are complex numbers Can anyone suggest a way?? thanks
  6. S

    Proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) for n=1 to n+1

    ok,,thanks i also found the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra which I am reading up now. Thank you everyone! Cheers
  7. S

    Proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) for n=1 to n+1

    I figured that we have to use complex numbers but we weren't told a method how to factorise complex polynomials with say n degree.Can you tell me a method of how to factorize a complex polynomial?? You mentioned that the quote above is the theorema egregium of Algebra which I am having...
  8. S

    Proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) for n=1 to n+1

    the highest we ever gone up to is probably degree 5 that i know of..i'll try look up the theorem and see what you people are talking about
  9. S

    Proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) for n=1 to n+1

    Do you know the name of it because of never heard of it.I wouldn't know where to start.If i have the name i can probably do some research on it and continue from there maybe
  10. S

    Proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) for n=1 to n+1

    I don't see where you going.The roots you can get from the want me to replace z with \cos\theta+i\sin\theta hmmm...with the LHS = (\cos\theta+i\sin\theta)^{n+1}-1=(\cos(n+1)\theta+i\sin(n+1)\theta)-1 and RHS =...
  11. S

    Proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) for n=1 to n+1

    After learning a little latex maybe this looks better z^{n+1} - 1 =\Pi (z - e^\frac{2 \pi i(j+1)}{n+1}) where the product goes from 0<= j <= n
  12. S

    Proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) for n=1 to n+1

    sorry!yes i was missing something in the original equation.So it suppose to look like this (z^(n+1))-1 = Product[(z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) , 0<=j<=n] where Product[(z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) , 0<=j<=n] = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(0+1)/(n+1)]*(z-exp[2*Pi*i*(1+1)/(n+1)]*...*(z-exp[2*Pi*i*(n+1)/(n+1)]...
  13. S

    Proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) for n=1 to n+1

    Hey!I have a tut question and I am having problems proving (z^(n+1))-1 = (z-exp[2*Pi*i*(j+1)/(n+1)]) where 0<=j<=n I tried doing it by induction which is easy for the 1st case with n = 1,I assume the case n-1 but then i get stuck with the last case. How will i know that all the z's with...
  14. S

    Combinatorics: Distributing Identical Walls into Multiple Boxes with Constraints

    ok,,so what i have now is correct?Just so i can get started...
  15. S

    Combinatorics: Distributing Identical Walls into Multiple Boxes with Constraints

    btw can you recommend a combinatorics book because he's notes help only a lil plus sometimes he doesn't explain himself properly(by the way we don't have a prescribed textbook) so anything we would be appreciated...