Recent content by SAWiz

  1. S

    How Much Can a 6ft Man See of His Image in a Mirror?

    A 6ft tall man stands in front of a mirror (2ft tall) The mirror is 5ft away from the man and 4 ft above the ground. How much of his image can he see? A 6ft tall man stands in front of a mirror (2ft tall) The mirror is 10 ft away from the man and 4 ft above the ground. How much of his...
  2. S

    Physics Help: Wood Burning, Boiling Eggs, Flooding

    Help on any would be appreciated Explain (using physics) • Why burning wood often crackles and pops? • Why you can't make a 3-minute egg a 2 minutes egg in boiling water by turning up the heat? When rain is preceded by a surge of warm, humid air, after many inches of snow...