Recent content by ShadowHound

  1. S

    What is the mathematical explanation for the shepherd moons of Saturn?

    What exactly is the physics behind the shepherd moons? Take Pandora and Prometheus of Saturn for example, they keep the F-ring in line by their combined gravitational effects, I went though a lot of books but all of them are quite general hand-waving kind of explanation and nothing...
  2. S

    Angular Dynamics: Solving 2-Wheel Problem w/ Initial Resting Wheel

    angular momentum must be conserved. The 2nd wheel adds to the rotational inertia.
  3. S

    I'm finding force and vectors extreemly difficult

    for head to tail rule, imagine you have 2 match sticks, arrange the match stick in such a way that the head of the stick (call it S1) is touching the tail of the other one (S2). Now draw a stright line from the tail of S1 to the head of S2, that would be your new vector, S1 + S2. for...
  4. S

    Energy Dissipated by Air Friction: Determine the Amount

    in a frictionless enviroment, all kinetic energy should be converted into potential energy. so the difference between max. kinetic and max potential energy is what you should be looking for.
  5. S

    What is the maximum height achieved by the projectile?

    yeah, that's about right, I forgot the Sin whe I did my sketch.
  6. S

    This questions stumbled all my classmates, see if you guys are smarter.

    a bit more clarification on " NOT using ANY SPRINGS, SCALES" would be nice. could you still use the spring scale you're already given.
  7. S

    What is the maximum height achieved by the projectile?

    Hmmm, big no on that. You split the velocity into x-y components which is good, but your choice of formula for part 1 is somewhat questionable. See the question have not given you how long the bullet stays in the air, and therefore you would have 2 unknowns in d=ut + 1/2 at^2. it's still...