Recent content by SophusLies

  1. S

    Schools What field of study to pursue in graduate school?

    I'm assuming that you're a senior. As a math/physics person, I can that the best thing right now is talk to professors in each field, math and physics, and see the actual research. I spent a quarter as an undergrad working on a math research project, by the end of the quarter I knew that I...
  2. S

    Entry Level Computational Science Jobs

    My first real job was with a computational physics consulting firm. I only had a bachelors in physics and math with a mess of CS classes at the time. From what I've seen, DH is right in terms of work done by actual CS degree holders. Even with my background, alas bachelors only, most of my job...
  3. S

    Can an average student succeed in Research/Academia?

    I have no doubt that average students can succeed in research although actually getting a research job is extremely difficult. I have had the advantage of going to grad school after working in industry for a bit so most of my undergrad friends have gone on to PhD's and finished. I get to see how...
  4. S

    Programs Physics Majors Internships (and a bit more)

    Me and most of friends that were physics majors didn't really do internships during undergrad. Many of us worked in a lab or under a professor doing research. Sadly, the "pay" was either for credit or like $8/hr. If you intend on only getting a bachelor's degree then make sure you take classes...
  5. S

    Is a Theoretical Physics Degree Worth It if I Don't Want to Pursue Academia?

    Having only an undergrad degree in "theoretical physics" doesn't seem like a good idea unless you go to grad school. Grad school is where most of your skills will come from, depending on the specialization you choose, and that's what's most important for a career. I'm in a PhD program for...
  6. S

    Programs How Much Overlap B/n Physics & Math Major?

    It depends on the professor and how the courses are taught. I had an analysis professor that was a mathematical physicist and loved to throw in physics talk in his lectures. On the other hand, some math professors don't know much physics and will treat the class as a pure math class.
  7. S

    Does It Look Bad To Go To The Same School For Undergrad And Ph.D?

    I almost went to the same school as my undergrad for my Phd but I wanted a new perspective on things. I had some professors that were alright and others that I would take 10 classes from. To academia, I could see staying at the same school to be an issue because academia has their own little...
  8. S

    Helping to cope with competitive environment

    This is a very insightful post that I highly agree with. The grad school system is about the same as my undergrad so I only had to adapt to my undergrad. I don't like being graded against my peers either. It seemed to be a constant cause of tension for some. I still remember 30% test averages...
  9. S

    How do I start learning quantum physics?

    I agree with WannabeNewton. Also, I want to add that classical mechanics is a beautiful subject in its own right. I remember many me and many of my physics friends thought of it as boring and "old" but little did we know that it would set the framework for QM later on. Focus on learning the...
  10. S

    I'm an average physics student. Where to go from here?

    If you want to do physics then do physics but I would highly recommend a backup plan. I've posted my story several times on these forums so you can read more about it if you want. Essentially, I did physics/math but was constantly learning programming on the side and it helped me immensely when...
  11. S

    Which Major Should I Pursue After High School?

    This is very good advice. Actually, I would recommend learning programming this summer and see how you like it. It's such a great skill to have, or to know if you even like it or not.
  12. S

    What to take for summer courses?

    Highly agree here. I have only taken one summer class and it was only because of I had to. I would recommend getting into some sort of project for the summer. Learn a programming language and rip into physics from there. You can model so many things which makes programming and physics more fun...
  13. S

    Becoming a mathematician - I am so depressed

    Did the people here that are mathematicians know that they were capable of doing such things early on? Or did it come as a surprise? I ask this because even though I do well in math classes, even at the PhD level, and I have put in a lot of hard work into math I still feel like I am...
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    Bachelor In Mathematics and PhD In Physics

    Well, yes, it is ad hominem. It's not a snide remark either, it's a fact about you which is stated in your profile. Since you are in high school, I'm assuming that you've never taken a graduate class nor gone through the graduate admissions process. I just find it strange, if that previous...
  15. S

    Bachelor In Mathematics and PhD In Physics

    Although I agree with most of micromass's advice but I would take it with a grain of salt.. since he or she is still in high school. Hercuflea has the right idea. Your extra classes should be at least some physics courses or you'll have to make them up if you intend on pursuing a PhD in...