Recent content by Sqens

  1. S

    Should I Switch My Major to Physics?

    Talking to the physics advisor is not a bad idea, but I would definitely recommend stopping by room 236 to talk to the students, if you haven't already.
  2. S

    Proving No Differentiable f Such That f Circ f = g

    Anyway, my approach was to apply the mean value theorem to show that f is injective. This implies something contradictory about f'.
  3. S

    Proving No Differentiable f Such That f Circ f = g

    The fixed point theorem requires f to be bounded. Otherwise, take f(x) = x + 1 See" for a differentiable but not C^1 function.
  4. S

    Proving No Differentiable f Such That f Circ f = g

    How do you know that f' is continuous?
  5. S

    Proving No Differentiable f Such That f Circ f = g

    I don't see it. How do you show that f is bounded?
  6. S

    Proving No Differentiable f Such That f Circ f = g

    You want to prove that f is monotone. Then, you want to prove that f isn't monotone.
  7. S

    Proving the Identity Theorem for Analytic Functions on Open Strips

    Define g_y : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{C} so that g_y(x) = f(x+iy). Cauchy's theorem plus continuity of f at the boundary imply that \int_{-a}^a (g_y(x)+g_y(-x))dx = 0 (taking a symmetric rectangular contour with base arbitrarily close to the real line). The continuity of g_y gives that...
  8. S

    Complex Anal. Problems: Need Help!

    Neither. Both poles and essential singularities require the relevant function to be holomorphic on a deleted neighborhood of the singularity. z^{-\frac{1}{2}} isn't even continuous on one of these neighborhoods. In descriptive terms, however, it would look like half of a simple pole stretched...