Recent content by SVXX

  1. S

    Finding a function, given derivative

    @Mark : What other way can he use to prove that 's' exists besides integration? It is given that after proving that s(x) exists, to show that it is bounded. The integral isn't an elementary one though...can't be done using Riemann integrals.
  2. S

    Solve Integration Problem: v(dv/dx)= k(2v+1)

    Ah yes pardon is a typo as earl pointed out!
  3. S

    Solve Integration Problem: v(dv/dx)= k(2v+1)

    Did they say that you can't use the variable-separable method after substitution? I think you have to apply the substitution and then use the variable-separable method...meaning all u terms on the LHS.
  4. S

    Solve Integration Problem: v(dv/dx)= k(2v+1)

    Ok you mean -: 2v + 1 = u and dv = du, v = (u - 1)/2. Now try it!
  5. S

    Solve Integration Problem: v(dv/dx)= k(2v+1)

    Indeed it is...which other method do you wish to use? It's a variable-separable equation..
  6. S

    Solve Integration Problem: v(dv/dx)= k(2v+1)

    Write the numerator v as 1/2(2v - 1 + 1) and separate the terms properly to easily solve this integral :)
  7. S

    Therefore D_n=\frac{2}{\pi(1-4n^2)}

    You're almost there, the penultimate step. Now cos(npi) = (-1)^n and sin(2npi) = 0. What would cos^2(npi) be? Hint : What does your answer require?
  8. S

    Therefore D_n=\frac{2}{\pi(1-4n^2)}

    You needn't worry about 'n'. It isn't being integrated. Worry about 't', and 'n' will resolve itself after a little algebra. In simpler terms, n is a constant and t is the variable during integration.
  9. S

    Therefore D_n=\frac{2}{\pi(1-4n^2)}

    and the formulae here -: will help you in solving the integral ;). Though I don't know why a simple by parts integration doesn't suit you..
  10. S

    How Do You Solve a Second Order Linear ODE with Non-Constant Coefficients?

    For e^(2t), the coefficient would be 2. e^(2t) won't make it zero, so just put 2 into D^2 + 8D and you get the particular integral as e^(2t) * 22/20. However, in 95e^(0t), it will be zero, so differentiate till it will be non zero on putting D = 0, OR until you get a constant after...
  11. S

    Reversing Order of Integration: Evaluating an Intgral

    Wait a minute...the second last integral is first done wrt y and then the last integral is done wrt x. How did you get cos(x²)? cos(x) would be a constant wrt y. After correction, the last integral will simply become a by parts integral.
  12. S

    Is It Possible to Simplify This Tricky Triple Integral?

    Would a change in the order of integration help? :)
  13. S

    How Do You Solve a Second Order Linear ODE with Non-Constant Coefficients?

    Well, how I've been taught involves finding the complementary function and the particular integral and adding them to get the complete solution. I'd follow these steps -: 1. Write in terms of the D operator. Here it would be -: (D² + 8D)y = 22exp(t) + 95exp(0). I wrote 95 as 95exp(0) so that I...
  14. S

    How to integrate a quadratic as the denominator.

    To be precise, to complete the square follow these steps -: 1. Take the coefficient of the x term, half it. 2. Square this halved coefficient and then add and subtract it to the expression. 3. Complete the square. Surely you can finish this now.
  15. S

    Differential Equation - Bernoulli Equation

    Mate, you need to use partial fractions to separate the denominator and integrate on each term separately. Find A and B using the concept of partial fractions (this page is pretty neat...teaches you everything you need to know about them ...