Recent content by TheAstroMan

  1. TheAstroMan

    Crossing a river with a current (optimization)

    I got here 50/(3cos(x))+(2.4-3sin(x))*(50/(3cos(x)))/10 ^^ Basically the time it takes him to get across + his distance from the other person divided by 10. (I think this is the right equation, not sure though) Now I just need someone to explain how I can get a value for x that would give me...
  2. TheAstroMan

    Crossing a river with a current (optimization)

    Alright thanks. I messed up the math, its approximately 40m down not 120 haha oops. But yea, I think I need someone who knows calculus for this :D
  3. TheAstroMan

    Crossing a river with a current (optimization)

    Nono, imagine the river is a rectangle and the width is 50. So let's say he swims straight and the current pushes him down the shore 40m . So he has now crossed the river but still needs to walk the remaining 120. Thats what the walking speed is for :p
  4. TheAstroMan

    Crossing a river with a current (optimization)

    The current speed pushes him away from the person so when he's on shore he has to walk the remainder.
  5. TheAstroMan

    Crossing a river with a current (optimization)

    1. A man is on one side of a river that is 50 m wide. He is trying to get to someone directly on the other side. There is a current flowing down the stream at 2.4 m/s. His swimming speed is 3 m/s and his walking speed is 10 m/s . What is the best angle for him to swim at to have the fastest...