Recent content by TheSlovakEngineer

  1. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    I will look at it when I have time...
  2. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Well yes... That's why it's usefull to do the math so one gets an idea about what it's really like. But this is a Canadian governement project... I have not looked at it in detail yet. Do you think it's bs?
  3. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    In my head I had something like this: The beauty of internet... You have a concept in mind and find someone already working on it. I was thinkig how to do this and produce electricity as well.
  4. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Yes, thank you. I was planning on considering these things in the article. I actually expect this particular solution not to be practical. I just wanted to check if there was something I did not consider that would make the solution absolutely impossible. I want to advocate storing solar as heat...
  5. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Thank you all for the responses. Nice input.
  6. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    "For the purposes of this article, I will calculate heat storage with vegetable oil, but there are far better chemicals to store heat in." This is what I wrote even before I came here. I know there are better alternatives, but I wanted to explore this since all systems with heat storage were...
  7. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Well, I think the answer would be something like this: But I think this is more exciting.
  8. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Well, I guess there would have to be some dump loops to keep it from overheating, but I have seen those in systems with water. It could get dangerous though. But I am asking rather than advocating. The whole article is just supposed to be an exploration of whether it can be done, how it would...
  9. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Yes, I know them. I was going to include them in the article. But they do not do any energy storage with heat as far as I understand. I think it would be useless because that is not a low-temperature Sterling. Or am I wrong? I am not looking for a...
  10. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Well, I think that his Stirling engine could be reasonably easy to manufacture as opposed to one that needs to be perfectly tight so the gas it operates with does not escape. Do you see a problem with this solution? What is it?
  11. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Do you think that it is reasonable to expect such a system to work, or do you see some problems that can not be solved with it?
  12. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    No, operating temperature is 100°C to 180°C.
  13. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    I think he used cooking oil because it does not boil above 100°C and you can go very low tech. At least from what I understand water would have to be pressurized etc. I am asking here, you tell me.
  14. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Well I saw a huge tank in the original they showed. I got 832 litres for 20% efficiency. The temperature goes up to 180°C. Still seems like it could be done
  15. TheSlovakEngineer

    Storing Energy as Heat in Vegetable Oil

    Yes, I am counting on getting a low efficiency of the energy stored and having to change the size of the reservoir accordingly. I forgot to change to Kelvin and calculated the efficiency with Celsius. Now it looks very improbable, that that contraption works during the whole night.