Recent content by Torg

  1. Torg

    Insights The Birth of a Textbook - Comments

    I am happy you wrote a book. I think it will be an excellent and very useful book. Congratulations! Does the book discuss tensor analysis, or could i read the contents?
  2. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    It is very well explained except the paragraph "We will not delve into definitions of energy in general relativity such as the hamiltonian (amusingly, the energy of a closed universe always works out to zero according to this definition), various kinds of energy one hopes to obtain by...
  3. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    I quote "no good way of defining global energy conservation", why is that?
  4. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    Edit: Note that in the term on the form \[\begin{array}{l} {\Gamma _{..}}^{.}{T_{..}} \\ \end{array}\] there is no way to place indices such that there is only one free covariant index left, since there are 4 covariant and only one contravariant index and the left-hand side has only one free...
  5. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    Thank you very much. What about non conserved Energy-momentum in General Relativity because the energy of the gravitational filed in not included in it, and that gravity can be removed locally "free fall"?
  6. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    Dr. Stavros Kiri helped me with this ebook [PDF] the author used the wrong expression as i did in page (53) equation (21.20). I think my lecturer at our department is using that reference.
  7. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    I thought the metric goes immediately to work into the tensor indices to give a mixed tensor not to the differentiation index itself. I am learning a lot. Thank you very much Orodruin.
  8. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    Sorry, there a little mistake in the second expression. The first term in the RHS should be the ordinary partial derivative instead of the covariant derivative.
  9. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    Thank you all again. I will ask for much today :-) I would like to know name of a good reference in introductory Differential Geometry. I struggled whole night with the second expression below, I couldn't figure out the positions of the indices \[\begin{array}{l} {T^{ab}}_{;b} =...
  10. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    I understand it now. Thank you all very much for the help. You have been excellent in explaining it.
  11. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    I have to checked that if it doesn't affect the Bianchi second identity.
  12. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    I got it, but I will take it with a grain of salt.
  13. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    I am really sad! to give up using EFEs in their covariant form when it comes to apply the conservation of energymomentum tensor.
  14. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    Why do I need to contact it? when i use EFEs in their covariant form and when I differentiate both sides covariantly and put the divergence of the energymomentum tensor equals to zero the left hand side should give the same set of equation of motion.
  15. Torg

    A Divergence of (covaraint) energymomentum tensor

    shall i just forget about it? I use the lower expression a lot.