Recent content by tyciol

  1. T

    How does my microwave oven affect a wireless router?

    If it's leaking enough to damage the connection, wouldn't that be enough that it may be damaged and not containing it and a risk to you? Also this makes me worry, with WiFis using this microwave range. I sit right next to my WiFi for hours on end, am I cooking my brain? Using a guess of the...
  2. T

    Should I lie about my age in college?

    24? You're first! Giggity Giggity goo!
  3. T

    Introducing the PF Library

    This is a great idea, thanks for creating this trove of knowledge.
  4. T

    Physics Forums: Get Homework Help Now!

    Thanks! This will be helpful since I'm a student...
  5. T

    Help treat diseases with your computer

    This is great, I already have Folding but I'll get these other ones too. Once I buy my super-comp with all it's excess RAM beyond the needs of my notepad writing I'll load em all on. Well, except Find-A-Drug, just went there and noticed the shut down the program, you should remove the link!
  6. T

    What's your area and level of expertise?

    I'm just starting biology as a student, but I study a lot on the side, mostly in exercise/nutrition biochem or whatever, but I want to get into cell bio for repairing for longevity and stuff.