Recent content by White

  1. W

    Transform of $\frac{u^3}{u^4+4}$: Fourier Analysis

    if you ask just for the result here it is:^3%2F%28u^4%2B4%29
  2. W

    Degeneracy and commuting observables

    Well, say A is nondegenerate, then B's matrix elements are all diagonal in A's representation You can see it quite fast, by sandwiching the commutator between two basekets. Well considering A as nondegenerate might not help, because it switches A and B in the problem...
  3. W

    Commutation relation of angular momentum

    [L_i,p_ir_i]=p_i[L_i,r_i]+[L_i,p_i]r_i Inserting: L_i=\epsilon_{ijk}r_j p_k Gives: [L_i,p_ir_i]=\epsilon_{ijk}p_i[r_j p_k,r_i]+\epsilon_{ijk}[r_j p_k,p_i]r_i =\epsilon_{ijk}p_i r_j[p_k,r_i]+\epsilon_{ijk}[r_j,p_i]r_i p_k =-i\hbar\epsilon_{ijk}p_i...
  4. W

    Scalar fields: why symmetric ener-mom. tensor?

    Writing it as: T^{\mu\nu}=\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial^ {\nu}\phi-\eta^{\mu\nu}L should make you see it directly. Your metric is always symetric, and \partial^{\mu}\phi\partial^ {\nu}\phi=\partial^{\nu}\phi\partial^{\mu}\phi.
  5. W

    Position operator is it communitative

    Show (that is my guess based on your information, which is rather few): x H \neq H x Integrals do not help for not commuting operators.
  6. W

    Normalising wave functions.

    Probably posting your integration helps others to spot your mistakes. if you really do not see it on your own. Well you probably remember cos^2 + sin^2 = 1, so integrating over full peroids of a sine squared (or cosine squared) gives you half of the peroid length.