Recent content by WWGD

  1. W

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    When technology arrives in small towns:
  2. W

    Collection of Lame Jokes

  3. W

    B Central Limit Theorem: How does sample size affect the sampling distribution?

    The Cauchy Distribution is an example of a distribution without mean nor variance nor higher moments. Though I believe mean and median are defined.
  4. W

    B Central Limit Theorem: How does sample size affect the sampling distribution?

    Note there are several types of convergence in the area of Probabilities. Here, the convergence is in Distribution.
  5. W

    Random Thoughts 7

    I rarely hear the word ' eschew'. But when I do, I pretend not to and ask the speaker to repeat it a couple of times. Then I say ' Gesundheit'.
  6. W

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    ...Or the emblem of syrup for 9 pancakes. Eh?
  7. W

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    From YT: " What happens when we go beyond ' Plank' length?" We fall into the sea?
  8. W

    Random Thoughts 7

    There are a few oasis about. Mostly Math, Science sites. Few and far in between.
  9. W

    Random Thoughts 7

    Ok, I've gotten into the bad habit of getting into debates in YT, which I'm trying to discipline myself to stop doing. Still, I think I've come up with a good line before leaving any exchange: " Send regards to Mr Dunning and Mr Kruger ".
  10. W

    Physics [Nuclear Experiment vs Nuclear Theory] [National Lab/General Outlook]

    And required security and other clearance.
  11. W

    Prob/Stats A Good Combinatorics Book

    I personally suggest you browse casually through topics and when you have enough knowledge, you buy the book. Otherwise if you want to go into a book directly, I liked Van Lint and Wilson's book. Edit: You may get a " Combinatorics lite" book using a Discrete Math book. Edit 2: Sorry, this book...
  12. W

    Prob/Stats A Good Combinatorics Book

    Drop by a technical library or college library and check out their Combinatorics section, see which one feels right to you.
  13. W

    Random Thoughts 7

    Hmm, I was seeing an ad for " When Animals Attack". I can imagine finishing my day eating wings, with an ice-cold beer, watching a snake swallowing up a rabbit whole. Edit: I wonder if it was intended as a joke.
  14. W

    Random Thoughts 7

    The thing about the ( flip side of the ) Dunning-Krueger club ( YouTube discussions) is , you don't know you're part of the Dunning-Krueger club.
  15. W

    Introducing Kids to EE from Scratch -- Recommended Resources?

    How about looking into working with Arduinos? Hands on too, you can guide them along.