Recent content by YunzhE

  1. Y

    FORTRAN 90 help- matrix-mul-add- input from user defined file name

    example: file 1 3,3 2,1,2 3,1,0 1,1,1 file 2 3,3 2,2,2 2,2,2 2,2,2 yes i can do the addition part the answer will be 4,3,4 5,3,2 3,3,3 but when the multiplication part it shows the answer is 4,2,4 6,2,0 2,2,2 which the answer should be 10,10,10 8,8,8 6,6,6
  2. Y

    FORTRAN 90 help- matrix-mul-add- input from user defined file name

    hey i tried the code when "C = A(1:rowsA,1:colsA)+B(1:rowsB,1:colsB) Do i= 1,rowsA WRITE(*,'(100F7.2)') (C(i,j),j=1,colsB) End do " it count correctly in order when matrix 3,3 add together but i can't find the correct answer for the multiplication with this, same matrix 3,3 multiply together...