Recent content by Zguy1217

  1. Z

    I How Can We Interact with Dark Matter for Sci-Fi Novel?

    Hi Anon5000, I appreciate the worry. At this stage, I'm not even sure if I'll try and publish my idea. I just want to write it for my own fun. That said, there's a lot of scenes in my head that play out much like a movie. So, maybe I'll end up writing a screenplay as well, or a pitch for a...
  2. Z

    I How Can We Interact with Dark Matter for Sci-Fi Novel?

    Hi Nikkkom, I appreciate the worry, but it's mostly a way to power some fictional tech that I want to work into the book. Using another example in Scifi - the "Element Zero" from Mass Effect that allowed the creation and manipulation of mass effect fields. Obviously I'm not stealing that...
  3. Z

    I How Can We Interact with Dark Matter for Sci-Fi Novel?

    While I'm glad there's a lot of responses to this forum topic, can I request that we return to the topic at hand, rather than continuing to discuss the semantic usage of the word "Theory"?
  4. Z

    I How Can We Interact with Dark Matter for Sci-Fi Novel?

    As I have come to understand it - we have no current means of directly interacting with Dark Matter. We can only observe the gravitational effects that Dark Matter has on Baryonic Matter. My question is: What forms of detection have been attempted and determined to not directly interaction...