Scott Stevens' Response on Meteorologist Scalar Clouds

In summary, Scott Stevens claims that the information on the Barium Blues website is accurate, and that the time has come to talk about what has been forbidden until now.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
From the thread:

Dayle Record said:

Well Dayle, I emailed Scott Stevens
and asked about the claims at your linked site. Here is his response. I didn't think that it would take long to nip this in the bud.

Hello Mr. Stevens
I was hoping to confirm or discredit the information on following page.

Many thanks...

His reply
This story is an accurate discription of what is going on...

If you wanted to review my site it can be found at

Start looking to the skies, there is much going on up there that hasn't yet been discussed on the evening news. That is now changing. The time has come to address and publicly talk about what has been forbidden until now.

Take care,

--Scott Stevens

oh. :rolleyes:
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Physics news on
  • #2
edit: Well, surprise surprise:

It does, however, imply that he never finished his meteorology degree.
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  • #3
I agree. He never claims to have finished college.
  • #4
lol read this quote from this guys theory:

My theories (2B is the best fit so far):

1. Spraying is performed by someone on Earth who has advanced technology. Problem with this theory: there are thousands of these craft spraying the Earth. To manufacture such high numbers of exotic craft would attract attention, and other countries are being sprayed so one government should be ruled out. Can you imagine another country allowing you to spray this stuff?

2. Spraying is performed by Earth humans from the future who travel back in time to either:

A. Reduce the effects of fallout from a soon-to-come nuclear war. Apparently the war was so destructive that the survivors are not thriving. By reducing the effects of the war by spraying radiation absorbing barium, the time travelers hope to allow more people and plants to survive. Of course you must believe the parallel time line nature of reality to believe this and also realize that they simply came back to create a new time line where Earth recovered more quickly. Problem with this theory: they would not spray for two years because the stuff falls to the ground or is blown away a day or two after spraying. If they are from the future, they know when the war starts. Any spraying more than two days before the beginning of the war wouldn't have much effect, but they have been spraying for two years.

B. Reduce the effect of the "new" sun on our planet. The sun has been freaking out out for the past few years. Of course our government has tried to keep this information from us, but the effects are hard to miss if you have any interest in astrophysics. The increased activity of the sun may be having a disastrous effect on our DNA. Earth humans from the future may have decided to reduce this damage by traveling back in time and blocking as much of the sun's radiation as possible. In our labs we have proven that time travel is possible and the parallel worlds theory proposed by a number of scientists shows a simple way that such time travel is possible without causing a paradox no matter what you did when you travel to the past. One problem with this theory is that chemtrails have been seen at night. If they were protecting us from the sun it would make more sense to spray in the earlier part of the day.

So look up in the sky! Is it a jetliner? A tanker? An ETV? No! It's my great great great grandson.

3. ETs who want us to be their servant race. To reduce their transportation costs they are eliminating Earth humans who couldn’t live with the pollutants they have sprayed into our air which represents the air on their planet. When there is a high level of spraying, hospitals have an increase of elderly coming in with respiratory distress. Problem with this theory: the ET's planet can’t have enough room for all the people on Earth. They must have another, more selective ways to pick who they will take.

If you have a better theory, please, I’d like to hear it. contact me at Paul Winter. Don’t tell me they are contrails, I’ve seen with my own eyes what is spraying us.

Particularly like this one:
In our labs we have proven that time travel is possible
I missed that memo.
  • #6
Isn't it fascinating how there has been no language development whatsoever in the next few thousand years?
I've seen some fairly appauling crackpot babbling in my time, but that one has to be one of the worst.
  • #7
Its been around an hour since I've read it and i still can't stop laughing. Best hangover day ever! Anymore entertaining links like this one that you have found?
  • #8
Why do I get the feeling that this guy won't be doing weather reports much longer?
  • #9
mapper said:
Its been around an hour since I've read it and i still can't stop laughing. Best hangover day ever! Anymore entertaining links like this one that you have found?

See this thread:

I espescially enjoyed the flat Earth theory page.
I clicked the link called "the evidence" and it said "This page is under construction. Please come back when we have got our act together." I couldn't have put it better myself!
  • #10
Well, he went and did it now. Stevens is the guest on Coast to Coast AM tonight - 10 million listeners. Either the station is planning to basque in the glow of controversy, or Stevens had better plan to change careers.

What's your vote? Will Stevens have a job on Monday?
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  • #11
So what happened with the Coast to Coast AM show? Has he picked a new career yet lol?
  • #12
He still seems to be there.
  • #13
I thought the reason for the wavelike nature of clouds was due to them traveling over something like mountains, where it forces an oscillation of pressure changes after it clears them?

I also really wish I had a cloud picture that looked like a bunny rabbit, I would foward it to him and ask him if he can explain it...
  • #14
All else aside, that is to say, I have no interest in any of his theories, but he agrees with you. He also claims that there are no mountains involved with these patterns. Part of his claim involves storm systems splitting allegedly with no known model that predicts such behavior. This should be easy enough to confirm or debunk. The rest is moot. His claims may be no more affected by his way-out theories than by his religion.

I have asked a few meteorologist to comment on his cloud pictures. So far, no response. I haven't looked yet but there must be someone out there talking down his clouds. Everyone seems to gravitate towards the other nonsense, but the clouds are the real issue here. Are his cloud pictures unusual or not?
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  • #15
I have it on good authority that there is nothing unusual about his clouds. Hopefully another meteorologist will post directly or allow a direct quote.

Edit: It was indicated that meteorologists continue to learn meteorology after the first two years of school. :wink:

Don't drop out of school or you will end up with your head in the clouds. :biggrin:
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  • #16
A second expert has commented in the negative. Still, off the record.
Out of thousands of cloud patterns in the skies over the years, some will stand out as being more interesting than others, and the ones shown did have interesting features, but not all that unusual. No really square corners!
  • #17
Hmmm. I notice that both comments made do involve qualifiers...
  • #18
I posted the link, because it was the first link on the subject. In another thread. The internet is above all things, entertaining.
  • #19
I'm glad that you brought it up. It was worth a look, IMO. I'm still hoping to get a definitive thumbs down without qualifiers, but I'm not looking for any square clouds. The qualifiers were there, but barely. I think Stevens is sincere but mistaken about his clouds. From there he goes over a cliff.
  • #20
From A Meteorologist

Hello all, I too have had the "special" opportunity to view the weatherwars web site. As a meteorologist myself, I can claim that most of the phenomena depicted in his photographs and images can be explained through simple physics and fluid dynamics we all learn in an undergraduate meteorology or physics degree. While I give Stevens credit for vast imagination, I assume it is not funny to make fun of him. It is likely he may suffer from a form of schizophrenia or some other psychological disorder.

It is fun to go through the images he provides and come up with natural physical explanations for the different phenomena. Gravity waves seem to be one of the most prevalent phenomena (mountain waves belonging to this class of waves). However, other images include well-known mesoscale circulations to give symmetric patterns of clear and cloudy in some of the satellite images. Other images show rather random spatial orientations that are common in natural fluids, yet there are claims made about their geometry. So yes, he does provide some interesting images, but there are no images or events captured that shouldn't be reasonably explained through our current understanding of the atmosphere.

  • #21
Welcome to PF Weatherfan [Chris]. It's hard to sneak a good myth past this forum. I don't know if there are any other practicing meteorologists that hang out here so I'll be sure to redirect any weather complaints to your attention. We have quite a diverse group here - ranging from the certifiable to certified professionals in most fields. PS: I would like to know why it unfailingly rains when I schedule golf outings.

FAQ: Scott Stevens' Response on Meteorologist Scalar Clouds

1. What is a scalar cloud?

A scalar cloud is a type of cloud formation that is created by the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the atmosphere. These clouds are characterized by a distinct shape and usually have a flat, smooth appearance.

2. How are scalar clouds formed?

Scalar clouds are formed when electromagnetic waves, such as those emitted by radar or radio frequency devices, interact with the atmosphere. This interaction causes a disturbance in the air molecules, leading to the formation of the cloud.

3. Are scalar clouds harmful?

There is currently no scientific evidence to suggest that scalar clouds are harmful to human health. However, some people believe that these clouds may have negative effects on the environment and weather patterns. Further research is needed to fully understand the impact of scalar clouds.

4. Can scalar clouds be predicted?

Due to their nature and formation, it is difficult to predict when and where scalar clouds may appear. However, scientists and meteorologists continue to study and monitor these clouds to gain a better understanding of their behavior and potential impact.

5. What is Scott Stevens' response to meteorologist scalar clouds?

Scott Stevens, a former meteorologist, has proposed that scalar clouds are not a natural occurrence but are instead created by human-made technologies. However, his claims are not supported by scientific evidence and are considered controversial within the scientific community.
