2nd order characteristic equation standart form

  • #1
A second order system has the following standart form;


However, sometimes the system I confront, doesn't hold that equation. I mean something like
s+1/(s^2 + 5s + 3)

At that point, it looks like the s+1 term on the numerator corresponds to Wn^2
But it shouldn't be if I'm not mistaken.

So, what am I supposed to do in such cases, in order to find the let's say damping ratio ?
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  • #2
zoom1 said:
However, sometimes the system I confront, doesn't hold that equation. I mean something like
s+1/(s^2 + 5s + 3)

At that point, it looks like the s+1 term on the numerator corresponds to Wn^2
The numerator has nothing to do with the natural frequency exhibited in the denominator. Once you have standardized the expression to have a unity co-efficient for the denominator's s² term, then the other terms of the denominator give you ζ and Ѡn. The numerator can be thought of as K.Ѡn², where K is a gain factor, a constant, and equals whatever it evaluates as. :smile:
BTW, I believe you are short of a pair of parentheses in your expression; here, borrow a spare pair of mine: ( )[/size][/color]

BTW (2) you didn't get your latex right.http://physicsforums.bernhardtmediall.netdna-cdn.com/images/icons/icon13.gif
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