Is this UFO report easily debunked?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: Originally posted by FZ+ I assume they mean affidavits. These do exist for many cases, but the 3 inch guys are news to me.Me too! If someone did encounter 3 inch aliens, why would one not catch them?
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
In light of recent events, I thought it appropriate to display a little of the filtering that I do when considering UFO claims. This is a good example of a report that I can completely reject at a glance. This does not mean that I reject this with absolute certainty, but unless something else comes along to ignite my interest in this story, for me, it goes in the debunked file.

I find these pictures unconvincing. One method that can be used to gauge relative distance in a photograph is to look at the contrast between the light and dark areas of an object, and compare this to other objects in the picture that are at a known distance. The closer something is to the camera [or your eye], the greater the contrast between light and dark areas. As an object approaches infinite distance, the contrast goes to zero and the object appears to be the same color as the horizon.

In these pictures, we see significantly greater contrast between the light and dark regions of the "saucer" as opposed to those of the planes. This tells me that this is a small object very close to the camera.
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Physics news on
  • #2
I see, so the aliens are tiny! No wonder it's so hard to get good evidence!
  • #3
Originally posted by Jonathan
I see, so the aliens are tiny! No wonder it's so hard to get good evidence!

Jonathan this is really a funny point. How big would they have to be?
How big must be an ET? In spite of all the science fiction that I read and watched, I never seriously thought about it.
  • #4
Wonder how long it will be before we have a site proporting to have found little flying saucers in Tunneling Electron Microscope images.
  • #5
Originally posted by FZ+
Wonder how long it will be before we have a site proporting to have found little flying saucers in Tunneling Electron Microscope images.

Actually, physicists have already seriously considered the existence of these little demons; Maxwell!
  • #6
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Actually, physicists have already seriously considered the existence of these little demons; Maxwell!
Little black dots.
  • #7
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Jonathan this is really a funny point. How big would they have to be?
How big must be an ET? In spite of all the science fiction that I read and watched, I never seriously thought about it.

Better watch out or the microscopic space fleet will come and vaporise us all... unless it gets eaten by a dog first.

[/hitchhikers guide]
  • #8
Originally posted by enigma
Better watch out or the microscopic space fleet will come and vaporise us all... unless it gets eaten by a dog first.

[/hitchhikers guide]

This only delays the attack for a day or two.
  • #9
  • #10
OH! It's so clear now! Anal-probing is actually a microscopic form of space exploration! (Just like how the Galileo spacecraft descended into Jupider's atmosphere!)
  • #11
Originally posted by Jonathan
I see, so the aliens are tiny! No wonder it's so hard to get good evidence!

Aliens have been documented in hundreds of types and sizes, from 3 inches up...

Well Jonathan, it looks like you were right!
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  • #12
This has been documented. Cool. Let's see the documents.
  • #13
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
This has been documented. Cool. Let's see the documents.

I assume they mean affidavits. These do exist for many cases, but the 3 inch guys are news to me.
  • #14
Me too! Who'd a thunk it? If someone did encounter 3 inch aliens, why would one not catch them?

FAQ: Is this UFO report easily debunked?

1. What is the significance of Ivan rejecting this UFO report?

The significance of Ivan rejecting this UFO report is that it raises questions about the credibility and validity of the report. Ivan is a well-known and respected UFO researcher, so his rejection of the report may indicate that there are flaws or inconsistencies in the evidence presented.

2. What were the reasons for Ivan's rejection of the UFO report?

The reasons for Ivan's rejection of the UFO report may vary, but typically they include lack of substantial evidence, inconsistencies in witness testimonies, or a lack of corroboration from other reputable sources. Ivan may also have identified logical explanations for the reported sightings.

3. Has Ivan ever rejected a UFO report before?

Yes, Ivan has rejected several UFO reports in the past. As a scientist, he carefully scrutinizes all evidence presented and only accepts reports that meet a high standard of credibility and reliability.

4. Does Ivan's rejection mean that the UFO report is not real?

No, Ivan's rejection does not necessarily mean that the UFO report is not real. It simply means that he has not found enough evidence to support its authenticity. However, further investigation by other researchers may still uncover more evidence to validate the report.

5. What can we learn from Ivan's rejection of this UFO report?

We can learn that skepticism and critical thinking are important in the field of science and UFO research. Ivan's rejection of the report reminds us to approach all claims with a healthy dose of skepticism and to thoroughly examine all evidence before drawing conclusions.
