About exterior algebra in vector calculus

In summary, the laws dy^dx=-dxdy and dx^dy=dxdy hold for all 0-forms f in Marsden's vector calculus. The derivation for these laws is provided in the chapter of differential forms.
  • #1
I'm reading Marsden's vector calculus. In the chapter of differential forms, it mentions the wedge product satisfies the laws:

and for a 0-form f, f^w=fw.

Does it have formal derivation?
hope someone can give me a hint or even a link.
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  • #2
You can construct the bundles of exterior forms by postulating those laws as definitions, or by taking a quotient of the tensor bundles. If you don't know about bundles, you might do better to take the laws as definitions that you use to generate the differential forms.

The short version of the quotient construction is: The exterior algebra [tex]\textstyle\bigwedge^* V[/tex] on a vector space [tex]V[/tex] is the quotient of the tensor algebra [tex]\textstyle\bigotimes^* V[/tex] by the homogeneous ideal generated by [tex]\{x \otimes x \mid x \in V\}[/tex]. To get the bundle of exterior forms on a manifold, you do the same thing fiberwise on the tensor bundle.

Basically you kill off all the tensors that contain the same factor twice, and you wind up being able to write [tex](dx + dy) \wedge (dx + dy) = dx \wedge dx + dy \wedge dx + dx \wedge dy + dy \wedge dy = dy \wedge dx + dx \wedge dy = 0[/tex].

The linearity over smooth functions comes from the fact that at each point a function behaves like a scalar in the tensor algebra (fiber of the tensor bundle) at that point.

Try Spivak, Calculus on manifolds; Munkres, Analysis on manifolds; Spivak, A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry, volume I (in increasing order of sophistication). If you want more on exterior algebra specifically, consult Greub, Multilinear algebra or the first chapter of Federer, Geometric measure theory.
  • #3
Thank you, ystael!

I have found Spivak's calculus on manifolds and trying to read it.

and so sorry that there maybe a misunderstanding:

I know how to prove

what i really confusing is why

Is it only happened at R3?

FAQ: About exterior algebra in vector calculus

What is exterior algebra in vector calculus?

Exterior algebra is a mathematical tool used in vector calculus to generalize the concepts of cross product and determinant to higher dimensions. It is also known as wedge product or exterior product.

How is exterior algebra used in vector calculus?

In vector calculus, exterior algebra is used to perform operations on multivectors, which are mathematical objects that can represent both vectors and higher-dimensional constructs. These operations include the exterior product, exterior derivative, and Hodge star operator.

What are the benefits of using exterior algebra in vector calculus?

Using exterior algebra in vector calculus allows for a more concise and elegant representation of geometric and physical concepts in higher dimensions. It also simplifies calculations and facilitates the generalization of concepts from 3-dimensional space to higher dimensions.

Are there any applications of exterior algebra in real-world problems?

Yes, exterior algebra has various applications in physics, engineering, and computer graphics. For example, it is used in electromagnetism to represent electromagnetic fields and in computer graphics to rotate 3D objects.

Is exterior algebra difficult to understand?

As with any mathematical concept, the difficulty level depends on the individual's background and familiarity with vector calculus. However, with proper study and practice, exterior algebra can be easily understood and applied in problem-solving.

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