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Homework Statement
What is the average acceleration until burnout of a spacecraft engine creating 53.2MN of thrust with a propellant velocity of 4.78km/s? The initial mass is 2.12x10^6 kg and final ,*** is 7.04x10^4.
Homework Equations
0 = m(subscript_f)v(_f) + m(_r)v(_r)
The Attempt at a Solution
0 = m(subscript_f)v(_f) + m(_r)v(_r)
0 = (2.12x10^6 - 7.04x10^4)*(4.78x10^3)
v(_r) = 139,163m/s
The problem is, I don't know where to go from here in order to determine the average velocity from here... Help!