- #1
- 398
- 16
Homework Statement
Show that the acceleration of a particle is always normal to its path of motion if and only if its speed is constant.
Homework Equations
2- ##\vec{T}=(d\vec{R}/dt)/(\|d\vec{R}/dt\|)##
The Attempt at a Solution
If speed is constant then ##d\vec{v}/dt=0##.I have to use first equation to make conclusion.Now,First equation obtained by differantiation of ##v=(ds/dt)\vec{T}##.Now If we differantiate it respect to t we get this
##\vec{a}=d^2s/dt^2\vec{T}+(ds/dt)(d\vec{T}/dt)##, since ##d\vec{T}/dt=0##, why this equation is true,cause of equation 2 and 3.The answer says this ; ##\vec{a}=0\vec{T}+κ(ds/dt)^2\vec{N}##. Why ##\vec{T}##-componenet is zero cause if ##\|\vec{v}\|=\|ds/dt\|## then ##\|(d\vec{v}/dt)\|=0## cause ##\|ds/dt\|## is constant .So I am saying both sides has to be zero.But here not Why ?I am missing something but I can't see it.Maybe I made a wrong math.
Quote from answer: From .##\vec{a}=0\vec{T}+κ(ds/dt)^2\vec{N}## ##\vec{a}## is a scalar multiple of ##\vec{N}## so that the acceleration is normal to the path in this case.
Conversely, if we now assume that the acceleration is normal to the path then ##\vec{T}##-componenet of acceleration must be ##0##. But the ##\vec{T}##-component is ##d^2s/dt^2##,since is ##d^2s/dt^2=0##,##ds/dt## is constant, and the assertion is proved.