Euro Travel Tips: Amsterdam, Florence, Venice, Rome, Madrid & Barcelona

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
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In summary,Amsterdam, Florence, Venice, Rome, Madrid, and Barcelona are all great places to visit. However, I recommend booking your hotels beforehand because they are already full of tourists. For food, I recommend eating at restaurants in each city. There are also many good night clubs in each city if you're looking for a good time. Lastly, be sure to budget properly and plan your trip well in advance because the prices of hotels and food tend to increase as the tourist season approaches its end.
  • #1
Amsterdam, Florence, Venice, Rome, Madrid, and Barcelona

May25-Jun 10.

Any advice on hotels vs. hostels? or recommendations for hotels/hostels?

I am going with 3 other people, so if we split the cost of a hotel room it will cost almost the same as a hostel and we get our own bathroom.

I am planning on bringing $2000 in cash. How should I carry this around? Traveler's checks? Should I just take only a small amount and take out money over there? Can you even use your ATM card there?

Should I use a credit card for everything? I have been told you get the best exchange rates when you use a credit card. I was thinking about applying for a 0% interest for 12 months credit card.

Any recommendations for sites to see in those places besides the obvious ones?

know of any good places to eat?

We are flying everywhere, so the only trains that we need to take are between the cities in Italy. Anyone know who has the best and cheapest trains rides?

What are the best night clubs in Spain? I hear Spain is crazy about nightlife. I want to go to the biggest baddest place in Madrid or Barcelona that plays Euro trash music until 6 AM.
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  • #2
Why fly? Travel through France inbetween. You want Euro Trash nightclubs? go to Marsailles.
  • #3
Cash may not be a good idea, especially not in Venice. Credit cards are widely accepted. Master Card, American Express should be okay

I would also google some hotel rates for instance:

and do some planning. That might prevent some surprises. Otherwise there is way too much holiday left at the end of your money.
  • #4
I am planning on bringing $2000 in cash. How should I carry this around? Traveler's checks? Should I just take only a small amount and take out money over there? Can you even use your ATM card there?
Yes you can, it depending what system you are using. IF its maestro (Mastercard debt card solution) then it won't be a problem. I would NOT carry that kind of cash around with you. These cities you want to visit are big, and you are not local, just be careful.

In Amsterdam there are many hostels, if you want to meet people its an idea to stay at them, if you just want to be on your own then get a hotel.
  • #5
Smurf said:
Why fly? Travel through France inbetween. You want Euro Trash nightclubs? go to Marsailles.
What is a eurotrash night club?

Marsailles is the origanal Greek City of France :wink:
  • #6
Cash may not be a good idea, especially not in Venice. Credit cards are widely accepted.
Cash is fine, and is always excepted, just don't carry 2 grand around...

ATM Cards will work around the EU. Just check what branding they are first. The EU will be moving to 1 solution for all electronic ATM systems soon anyway, and I believe it will be Maestro.
  • #7
gravenewworld said:
Any advice on hotels vs. hostels? or recommendations for hotels/hostels?

Any recommendations for sites to see in those places besides the obvious ones?

know of any good places to eat?

Buy a lonely planet of western Europe!
  • #8
First thing, don't bring $2000 in cash! -- particulary if Amsterdam's the first stop on your list.

Go to your bank and make sure you can use your debit card in the ATMs over here.

Booking stuff out of Lonely Planet is good advice -- although I prefer the Rough Guide series -- imo, it's better for younger people.

Also, make sure you book now! eg. Amsterdam's already been full of tourists for the past month.

What's your budget for places to stay?
  • #9
Anttech said:
In Amsterdam there are many hostels, if you want to meet people its an idea to stay at them, if you just want to be on your own then get a hotel.
It also depends how classy they want their stay to be -- most hostels in centrum look like the places where young trippers just crash on a camp-bed after over-indulging in the red light district :wink:

I'd stay in a hotel for the calming factor -- plus bathroom and security for my stuff -- there again, I have hit the big 3-0 :wink: :biggrin:
  • #10
It also depends how classy they want their stay to be -- most hostels in centrum look like the places where young trippers just crash on a camp-bed after over-indulging in the red light district
Yes I know, like the meeting point. Amsterdam and hostels typically means you will meet some wackos on some sort of drugs :smile: But you will defo meet people :wink:
  • #11
Learn a little bit of the language aswell. You will find that when you travel in europe this gets you a long way than just blundering in English or another foreign language other than the country you're in. Even if you only know how to say please, thank you and a few other phrases such as how to order food and drink.
  • #12
Kurdt said:
Learn a little bit of the language aswell. You will find that when you travel in europe this gets you a long way than just blundering in English or another foreign language other than the country you're in. Even if you only know how to say please, thank you and a few other phrases such as how to order food and drink.
Be quiet. Less is more. In conversation match your voice level to the environment and other speakers. A loud voice is often perceived as a bragging voice. Casual profanity is almost always considered unacceptable.[/URL]

:wink: :biggrin:
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  • #13
Kurdt said:
Learn a little bit of the language aswell. You will find that when you travel in europe this gets you a long way than just blundering in English or another foreign language other than the country you're in. Even if you only know how to say please, thank you and a few other phrases such as how to order food and drink.

However when you are in Netherland don't say s'íll vous plait or Merci.
When in Italy don't go Dank u
When in Spain don't go grazZie...

To be honest as long as you stay way from the francophones you will typically be ok in English, heed J77's advice however.
  • #14
Anttech said:
To be honest as long as you stay way from the francophones you will typically be ok in English, heed J77's advice however.

Yeah you will be ok in English but not as good an experience as if you speak in their own language. I've traveled a lot around Europe and almost anywhere you go and you make the effort to speak their language you get treated much better. To be honest its only common courtesy that you should try and do so. It shows the people you're interacting with a lot of respect and as I say you rarely need more than a few phrases.

For example, I was in Italy for the first time two years ago and I'd learned a few italian phrases like how to order food and drink and asking directions etc. There was this one restaurant in Sorrento we used to go to all the time because it was the best pasta I'd ever tasted. It was a tiny place with only about 8 tables for 4 people. There was another group of English tourists on the other side of the room one night and they were only speaking in English, whereas we were using Italian. The difference in service that we got compared to this other group was unbelievable. They had been there before us and yet we were served our 3 courses and drinks before they had had theirs. So I asked the waiter why we were getting preferential treatment and he said to me that the other group expected to come to Italy and everyone to speak English for them and they had shown no respect, whereas our group speaking even the tiniest bit of Italian had shown respect for the Italian people.

That is what many find strange about Europe, but its also rather beautiful. So I'm not suggesting you learn an entire language but just a few bits that you might need. Try not to get the languages and countries mixed up though. :wink:
  • #15
Anttech said:
However when you are in Netherland don't say s'íll vous plait or Merci.
When in Italy don't go Dank u
When in Spain don't go grazZie...

Hah, the other day I was walking through Amsterdam on a busy day (Easter) and there were two American ladies standing on the street. Guess what one said: "Noone says 'excuse me' over here".. Duh.
  • #16
gravenewworld said:
I am planning on bringing $2000 in cash. How should I carry this around? Traveler's checks? Should I just take only a small amount and take out money over there? Can you even use your ATM card there?

Should I use a credit card for everything? I have been told you get the best exchange rates when you use a credit card. I was thinking about applying for a 0% interest for 12 months credit card.
You can probably use your ATM card, but check with your bank. The number of digits in your PIN can be a problem. Also, if you can use it, you should let them know, otherwise if they suddenly start seeing lots of spending in a different continent, they might think your card has been stolen or something. I wouldn't recommend using an ATM card though, because the fee per transaction is probably high. When I went to Europe, I took travellers' cheques and never used them. Might be good to have a few just in case, but that's up to you. For cash, fit what you can in your wallet, and keep the rest in a locked suitcase in a locked hotel/hostel room. I used a credit card for as much as possible. When you take cash, you lose some money in exchanging dollars to Euros, and for whatever you bring back, you'll lose some in exchanging Euros back to dollars. Using credit card you only feel the exchange rate once, but then again I would assume the exchange rate on a credit card is not as good as the rate at the bank. But I used credit card as much as possible because it should help you build a credit rating.

I was in central Europe though, so I wasn't in any of the countries you were in.
  • #17
I heard now they have basically cards that act as traveler's checks. Anyone know what kind of fees those things have? AKG that is a good point about losing money twice on the exchanges. I would like to stay in a hostel in Amsterdam to meet all the crazy people from all over the world. That is just another experience from Europe that I can write about. How safe are your belongings though in a hostel?

I have $2000 for spending money, so over 10 days that averages out to $200 per day on stuff like food, bars, souveniers, etc. I will be putting my hotel/hostel fees hopefully on a credit card.As for the language barriers I think we are all set. I am bringing one friend who is super Italian and can speak and my other friend already studied abroad in Spain and is fluent in Spanish. In Amsterdam I heard that they speak English everywhere so we should be ok.
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  • #18
Monique said:
Hah, the other day I was walking through Amsterdam on a busy day (Easter) and there were two American ladies standing on the street. Guess what one said: "Noone says 'excuse me' over here".. Duh.
I saw a couple of 'mature' American ladies standing by the road and literally "whooping" at the windmill over the Ij-brewery :biggrin:

As far as "excuse me" goes -- I love the fact that the Dutch offer a minimum amount of customer service; it's the complete antithesis of the American sevice industry :biggrin:

gnw -- are you still considering bringing $2000 in cash? Once more, I'd strongly advise against carrying that amount of money -- even if you lose a bit by paying for stuff on your credit/debit card. Also, yes, you'll hear mostly English in the Centrum area of Amsterdam, but this is only a very small region of Amsterdam (which most tourists only see) -- you should explore a bit further; eg. I live in an area called De Pijp, just South of the Heineken brewery (you'll find it on all maps) -- imo, we have the best bars and restaurants :smile:, check out Tweede van der Helst Straat.
  • #19
I will say it slowly this time:

Your ATM card will w-o-r-k in Europe. You don't need any other card!

I love the fact that the Dutch offer a minimum amount of customer service; it's the complete antithesis of the American service industry
It actually gets on my nerves to be honest. If you walk into a restaurant and you are made to feel as if you are bothering the waiters then there is a slight problem :smile:
  • #20
Anttech says that your ATM card will work (I believe him), but it might be dependent on your bank. Talk to your bank, they can tell you exactly whether your ATM card will work in the countries you are going to visit. When I went to the US, I got a special internatiol ATM card that I could use to withdraw money. Don't carry around large amounts of cash, tourists are the prime target for pickpocketers.

Everyone in Amsterdam can speak English, so that should be easy. I'm always very annoyed when I walk into a restaurant or shop and they start speaking English to me (since I'm a native). Italy and Spain might be different, in all my experiences in Italy they didn't speak a single word of English, but that might depend on the area you're visiting (know how to say goodmorning, goodevening and 'thank you' at the very least!).
  • #21
I know my atm card will work, I am just trying to find the best way with the least amount of fees. I am definitely not bringing $2000 in cash!

Amsterdam (which most tourists only see) -- you should explore a bit further; eg. I live in an area called De Pijp, just South of the Heineken brewery (you'll find it on all maps) -- imo, we have the best bars and restaurants , check out Tweede van der Helst Straat.

Thanks, i will definitely try to check this area out.

How do you order a beer in Dutch?
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  • #22
My credit card charges 3% on purchases in a foreign currency. However, considering it costs money to change to another currency, and considering ATMs charge a fee to withdraw, it is my payment method of choice.
  • #23
gravenewworld said:
How do you order a beer in Dutch?

"Een bier alstublieft." Replace 'een' with twee/drie/vier/vijf/... for more beer.. :-p
  • #24
Hi, I recommend you visit the canary islands particularly Tenerife. You will definitely love the beaches and the natural sceneries in the island.

My advice to travelers though is that must know somehow the language of the country they are visiting. Do it before the trip as much as possible so that you may enjoy the vacation fully and to communicate easily with the locals. The following sites have access to language schools worldwide that you may want to see:
cursos aleman alemania
sprachreisen england
estudiar italiano en Italia

More languages course are offered on the sites. Speak Italian, German or the English language fluently.
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  • #25
da_willem said:
"Een bier alstublieft." Replace 'een' with twee/drie/vier/vijf/... for more beer.. :-p

That won't work, just say: "ayne beer als yuh bleeft" replace "ayne" with twaye, dree, veer, v-unpronouncable-f (almost vife).

Also popular is "ayne mayter beer". That's a lot.
  • #26
lol... not ayne pintje? or beertje or amsterdamer :P
  • #27
Andre said:
That won't work, just say: "ayne beer als yuh bleeft" replace "ayne" with twaye, dree, veer, v-unpronouncable-f (almost vife).

Also popular is "ayne mayter beer". That's a lot.


or maybe "ayne Heineken" ?

In Belgium we would say "ayne pintje" or stella, jupiler, maes, etc etc

  • #28
da_willem said:
"Een bier alstublieft." Replace 'een' with twee/drie/vier/vijf/... for more beer.. :-p

Een biertje astjeblieft -- we ain't Belgians :wink: :biggrin:

(pronounced: short unn -- ie. not ayne as in one but unn as in a --, bi-eerrr-tje asht-uh-bleeft :-p kind of)
  • #29
Anttech said:
It actually gets on my nerves to be honest. If you walk into a restaurant and you are made to feel as if you are bothering the waiters then there is a slight problem :smile:
I've overcome my English hesitance now -- figured the only way of ever getting served on a more frequent basis than once a year is by a slight wave of a finger and a "mevrouw", every time the waitress passes by :biggrin:
  • #30
J77 said:
a "mevrouw", every time the waitress passes by :biggrin:
Ooops, attention here. If she is young, you are better off saying "juffrouw" LOL

Women are quite sensitive for this :wink:

  • #31
J77 said:

Een biertje astjeblieft -- we ain't Belgians :wink: :biggrin:

Let's teach these foreigners some politeness...alstublieft...

FAQ: Euro Travel Tips: Amsterdam, Florence, Venice, Rome, Madrid & Barcelona

1. What are the must-visit attractions in Amsterdam?

Some of the must-visit attractions in Amsterdam include the Anne Frank House, the Van Gogh Museum, and the Rijksmuseum. You can also take a canal cruise and visit the famous flower market.

2. Is Florence a good city for food lovers?

Yes, Florence is known for its delicious Italian cuisine, including dishes such as pasta, pizza, and gelato. Be sure to try the local specialties like bistecca alla fiorentina (Florentine steak) and ribollita (a hearty vegetable and bread soup).

3. What is the best way to get around Venice?

The best way to get around Venice is on foot or by water taxi. The city is pedestrian-friendly and most of the main attractions are within walking distance. You can also take a gondola ride to explore the canals.

4. What is the best time of year to visit Rome?

The best time to visit Rome is during the spring (March-May) or fall (September-November) when the weather is pleasant and there are fewer crowds. However, if you don't mind the heat and crowds, summer (June-August) is also a popular time to visit.

5. Are there any must-see landmarks in Madrid?

Yes, some of the must-see landmarks in Madrid include the Royal Palace, Plaza Mayor, and the Prado Museum. You can also visit the Retiro Park and the Temple of Debod, an ancient Egyptian temple that was relocated to Madrid.

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