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On this therd there is some disscussion of American being it's seperte language form English on this https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=115377".I think that disscussion whould be getting more of topic if I posted anything more about it so I decide to create this theard.
Reasons why American should be sepreate form English (this in not in oder):
1)American and the British have differn't words:Have you ever herd a Briton say "Yo","Y'all"(It's a word in an officaly American dialic) or an American calling bathroom a "lou"(Can someone please explain why it's called a Lou in British english)?Probally not unless on some occusions but it's not apart of the everday vocbalry.
2)They both have diffent ways to use an insult:Britons when they insult [insert noun here] they say "bloody [insert noun here]"!Americans use more offensive words(Note:this is for much more severe occasions) $@3$#%#@%#%#@@!@#%#$%#^#$%^#W%#^#$(No I didn't type a word in and the censership is blocking it) [insert noun here]!
3)Patriotism:We fought a war for independence from Briton and we still speak there language?Our language should seperte just like the the country
4)English words that is from American Teenager,blizzard etc. are words form the United States which means that American is it's own language since it has it's own words
5)American words that aren't used anywhere elses: fall, the season; to quit are no longer used outside of the U.S. which means that American has it's own words.
Use of Singular and plural for nouns:In British English a briton would say "the team are worried" but in American eglish "The team is worred"
6)NumbersWhen saying or writing out numbers, the British will insert an "and" before the tens and units, as in "one hundred and sixty-two" and "two thousand and three", whereas Americans will typically drop the "and" as in "two thousand three"; however, "two thousand and three" is also common. The same rule applies when saying numbers in their thousands or millions: "four hundred and thirteen thousand" would be said by a British speaker, whereas the simpler "four hundred thirteen thousand" by an American speaker.(source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americ...rences#Words_mainly_used_in_American_English")
Ok those are the reasons why it should a seperte language.Here are some chages I think should be made to American:
1)Spelling of "Donuts" should be chaged back to "Doughnuts"
2)We should make spell words differtntly to make it easier
3)Indtead of saying "There 10 gourps of 3" we say "There are 3 x10 gourps"(similer to secientific notation)
Does anyone elese of have any recomendations?
Reasons why American should be sepreate form English (this in not in oder):
1)American and the British have differn't words:Have you ever herd a Briton say "Yo","Y'all"(It's a word in an officaly American dialic) or an American calling bathroom a "lou"(Can someone please explain why it's called a Lou in British english)?Probally not unless on some occusions but it's not apart of the everday vocbalry.
2)They both have diffent ways to use an insult:Britons when they insult [insert noun here] they say "bloody [insert noun here]"!Americans use more offensive words(Note:this is for much more severe occasions) $@3$#%#@%#%#@@!@#%#$%#^#$%^#W%#^#$(No I didn't type a word in and the censership is blocking it) [insert noun here]!
3)Patriotism:We fought a war for independence from Briton and we still speak there language?Our language should seperte just like the the country
4)English words that is from American Teenager,blizzard etc. are words form the United States which means that American is it's own language since it has it's own words
5)American words that aren't used anywhere elses: fall, the season; to quit are no longer used outside of the U.S. which means that American has it's own words.
Use of Singular and plural for nouns:In British English a briton would say "the team are worried" but in American eglish "The team is worred"
6)NumbersWhen saying or writing out numbers, the British will insert an "and" before the tens and units, as in "one hundred and sixty-two" and "two thousand and three", whereas Americans will typically drop the "and" as in "two thousand three"; however, "two thousand and three" is also common. The same rule applies when saying numbers in their thousands or millions: "four hundred and thirteen thousand" would be said by a British speaker, whereas the simpler "four hundred thirteen thousand" by an American speaker.(source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americ...rences#Words_mainly_used_in_American_English")
Ok those are the reasons why it should a seperte language.Here are some chages I think should be made to American:
1)Spelling of "Donuts" should be chaged back to "Doughnuts"
2)We should make spell words differtntly to make it easier
3)Indtead of saying "There 10 gourps of 3" we say "There are 3 x10 gourps"(similer to secientific notation)
Does anyone elese of have any recomendations?
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