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This article from 1820 covers many advances in technology; Slavery; Prosthetic limbs; Voyage to the Moon denial; Mammoth power; Newton's Principia; Airconditioning; Recorded voice; Whale power, and Energy from underground.
Extracted from "The Bee, Fireside Companion and Evening Tales", Printed in Liverpool, England. Circa 1820. [Columns 244 to 247.] [My notes].
It looks forward 500 years. But things have happened a little quicker than anticipated in the Bee.
The American Republic is the only civilized and organized government in the world, which boasts of liberty, and admits of slavery within its limits, and in which perpetual bondage is recognized by the principles of its constitution. Doubtless this contains some hidden mystery, not to be penetrated by the contracted views, and unhallowed gaze, of short-sighted Europeans. America is a field for speculation. Many things which now exist on this continent, were once thought to be impossible; and advancing in improvements, we venture to anticipate those triumphs of art and ingenuity, which we presume will arise to astonish the world, when a few centuries more have elapsed. The union of slavery and republican liberty will justify almost any prediction, and any expectation.
Hail happy Columbia! Thou art already become a retreat for those whom the tyranny of ancient governments has driven from their houses. To thee may retire the traitor, the assassin, and the swindler; and in thy arms may the liberal and enlightened philosopher, who knowing that money is the property of all alike, has obtained it by forgery, find that peace of which – which— of which I should say, in the despicable language of Europe, he has deprived the rightful owner. Happy land! — woe, endless woe, be the portion of him who, in the malice of his heart, compares thee to the Thames, which receives and fattens on the common sewers that empty their dark waters into its turbid bosom. Long mayest thou flourish; flourish when the rest of the globe is sunk into the gloomy night of Christianity; lost in the mazes of justice; and confounded by the inviolability of property; and now, as a speculation on thy future prosperity, I venture, as the once celebrated Francis Moore, physician and astrologer, annually saith, “for the information of the curious,” to predict the following improvements: improvements which time may verify when the hand that new writes them, has long mouldered in the clammy soil, or whitened in the chill and ungenial air of Britain.
New York, Dec. 1, 2318. —The celebrated automaton physician has arrived here, and has already begun to perform some of his usual miracles. Since he has been here, we ourselves have been witnesses to one of his surprising cures. A man, whose arm had been amputated some years ago, being brought to him, was, to the utter astonishment of all who knew him, rendered, after a few days, as whole as he had ever been in the very spring of his existence.
This most wonderful master-piece of modern art is composed entirely of the new metal called hardoniensiana, which, as we have already hinted, “possesses the surprising quality of moving with quickness without any force whatever being impressed upon it, and which never wears out.” The automaton is hollow within, and is filled with a quantity of highly rarefied air, brought from the moon, by those adventurous aeronauts, Messrs. Sharpe and Airbuilder, on which the chemists have bestowed the name of Lunatic Gas.
Baltimore, Dec. 1, 2318. — As many of our readers in distant parts of the country have doubted whether the voyage to the Moon ever did take place, we do again assure them, upon our veracity, that the information was literally correct. This aerial journey must indeed appear to many who hear of it a most extraordinary undertaking; particularly when it is recollected, that in the dark ages of English credulity, it was imagined that tubes two hundred and forty thousand miles in length, besides being exposed to many other insuperable objections, would break with their own Weight. Yet such were the tubes used by our adventurers, and such were absolutely necessary to supply them with air from the dense atmosphere of our earth. At the period to which We allude, when every science was fettered with the adamantine chains of system, it was also thought impossible for goose-quill, or any other wings, to be of service where the air was so rare as to offer no resistance. This idea the undertaking now under consideration has fully disproved; for, after the wonders one goose his quill has performed, what must we not expect from the labours of a number united. Before we take leave of this interesting subject, we must correct an error that crept into our paper of this day month. It was on the first, and not on the fourth, of April that Messrs. Sharpe and Airbuilder departed on their journey.
New Orleans, Dec. 1, 2318.— The MAMMOTH. — Some public-spirited gentlemen here, willing to encourage the breed of these useful domestic animals, have it in contemplation to establish Mammoth races, somewhere near this city. Hitherto the Mammoth has been only used for draught or carriage; but, as our enlightened compatriots have taken up the business, we hope soon to see it rival the fleetest horse.
The steam-engine erecting on the canal cutting across the Isthmus of Darien, [Now the Panama Canal], is we understand of one hundred and fifty Mammoth power.
Washington, Dec. 1, 2318.— The antiquarian society has lately come to a determination of reprinting several works which have long ceased to excite the attention of the refined taste of modern times. These Works though utterly devoid of every qualification requisite to please the classic reader, are yet curious, inasmuch as they let us into the manners, customs, and ideas, of our ancestors. In doing which, they form, as it were, one link in the endless chain of eternity. They are to be accompanied with notes, and a glossary: and the laborious work has already been undertaken by several of our literati. Those, the transcription of which is already commenced, are Tragedies and Comedies, written by William Shakspeare; Paradise Lost, an Epic Poem, in blank verse, by John Milton; Mother Bunch’s Fairy Tales; a work usually known by the name of the Principia, written by one Newton; the History of Jack the Giant Killer; and a periodical publication on ethics and the social duties, called the Rambler, written by Dr. Samuel Johnson.
— Advertisement. — The public are respectfully informed, that patent cloud attractors and cloud repellers are now brought to the highest state of perfection. Gentlemen possessing this invaluable discovery may vary the quantity of heat and cold, dryness and moisture, on their estates, according to their pleasure. Made and sold solely by the patentee at his warehouse.
The first stone of the Grand College of Atheists was laid yesterday. We have no doubt that this institution will be the means of extending the empire of pure Wisdom to the farthest bounds of the globe. — The new “Vocal instrument,” lately introduced for reading prayers in the churches of Virginia, is said to be the invention of one of the professors, who by this means hopes to get rid of those dangerous enemies to reason, the clergy.
Boston, New EngIand, Dec. 1, 2318. — NORTHERN EXPEDITION. — By a vessel direct from Baffin’s Bay, We learn that Mr. Van Blubberberg has, succeeded beyond his most sanguine expectations in his experiments on the possibility of taming the whale. Two of these marine giants have already become so domesticated that they obey the voice and signals of their master as readily as a dog. Mr. Van Blubberberg every day harnesses them to a vessel of six hundred tons burden, which, they drag through the waters with more speed, and as much regularity; is as a pair of well managed horses do a carriage on shore. We have no doubt that in a short time this discovery will entirely supersede the use of masts and sails.
Frederick, New Brunswick, Dec. 1, 2318. — The Workmen employed in sinking the immense, pit in this neighbourhood, have lateIy discovered a most extraordinary phenomenon. It is a spring of liquid fire, possessing in an eminent degree every known chemical and culinary quality obtained from the burning of wood, coals, &c. Yet so singular is it in it's properties, that, though it communicates caloric in any quantity, it will burn for ever without diminution; it will not ignite any other known body, and is so harmless that any animal may continue in the midst of the flame for any period without being scorched, singed, or otherwise injured.
[ Francis Moore, physician and astrologer,
Moore, Francis (1657-1715).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Moore's_Almanack ]
Extracted from "The Bee, Fireside Companion and Evening Tales", Printed in Liverpool, England. Circa 1820. [Columns 244 to 247.] [My notes].
It looks forward 500 years. But things have happened a little quicker than anticipated in the Bee.
The American Republic is the only civilized and organized government in the world, which boasts of liberty, and admits of slavery within its limits, and in which perpetual bondage is recognized by the principles of its constitution. Doubtless this contains some hidden mystery, not to be penetrated by the contracted views, and unhallowed gaze, of short-sighted Europeans. America is a field for speculation. Many things which now exist on this continent, were once thought to be impossible; and advancing in improvements, we venture to anticipate those triumphs of art and ingenuity, which we presume will arise to astonish the world, when a few centuries more have elapsed. The union of slavery and republican liberty will justify almost any prediction, and any expectation.
Hail happy Columbia! Thou art already become a retreat for those whom the tyranny of ancient governments has driven from their houses. To thee may retire the traitor, the assassin, and the swindler; and in thy arms may the liberal and enlightened philosopher, who knowing that money is the property of all alike, has obtained it by forgery, find that peace of which – which— of which I should say, in the despicable language of Europe, he has deprived the rightful owner. Happy land! — woe, endless woe, be the portion of him who, in the malice of his heart, compares thee to the Thames, which receives and fattens on the common sewers that empty their dark waters into its turbid bosom. Long mayest thou flourish; flourish when the rest of the globe is sunk into the gloomy night of Christianity; lost in the mazes of justice; and confounded by the inviolability of property; and now, as a speculation on thy future prosperity, I venture, as the once celebrated Francis Moore, physician and astrologer, annually saith, “for the information of the curious,” to predict the following improvements: improvements which time may verify when the hand that new writes them, has long mouldered in the clammy soil, or whitened in the chill and ungenial air of Britain.
New York, Dec. 1, 2318. —The celebrated automaton physician has arrived here, and has already begun to perform some of his usual miracles. Since he has been here, we ourselves have been witnesses to one of his surprising cures. A man, whose arm had been amputated some years ago, being brought to him, was, to the utter astonishment of all who knew him, rendered, after a few days, as whole as he had ever been in the very spring of his existence.
This most wonderful master-piece of modern art is composed entirely of the new metal called hardoniensiana, which, as we have already hinted, “possesses the surprising quality of moving with quickness without any force whatever being impressed upon it, and which never wears out.” The automaton is hollow within, and is filled with a quantity of highly rarefied air, brought from the moon, by those adventurous aeronauts, Messrs. Sharpe and Airbuilder, on which the chemists have bestowed the name of Lunatic Gas.
Baltimore, Dec. 1, 2318. — As many of our readers in distant parts of the country have doubted whether the voyage to the Moon ever did take place, we do again assure them, upon our veracity, that the information was literally correct. This aerial journey must indeed appear to many who hear of it a most extraordinary undertaking; particularly when it is recollected, that in the dark ages of English credulity, it was imagined that tubes two hundred and forty thousand miles in length, besides being exposed to many other insuperable objections, would break with their own Weight. Yet such were the tubes used by our adventurers, and such were absolutely necessary to supply them with air from the dense atmosphere of our earth. At the period to which We allude, when every science was fettered with the adamantine chains of system, it was also thought impossible for goose-quill, or any other wings, to be of service where the air was so rare as to offer no resistance. This idea the undertaking now under consideration has fully disproved; for, after the wonders one goose his quill has performed, what must we not expect from the labours of a number united. Before we take leave of this interesting subject, we must correct an error that crept into our paper of this day month. It was on the first, and not on the fourth, of April that Messrs. Sharpe and Airbuilder departed on their journey.
New Orleans, Dec. 1, 2318.— The MAMMOTH. — Some public-spirited gentlemen here, willing to encourage the breed of these useful domestic animals, have it in contemplation to establish Mammoth races, somewhere near this city. Hitherto the Mammoth has been only used for draught or carriage; but, as our enlightened compatriots have taken up the business, we hope soon to see it rival the fleetest horse.
The steam-engine erecting on the canal cutting across the Isthmus of Darien, [Now the Panama Canal], is we understand of one hundred and fifty Mammoth power.
Washington, Dec. 1, 2318.— The antiquarian society has lately come to a determination of reprinting several works which have long ceased to excite the attention of the refined taste of modern times. These Works though utterly devoid of every qualification requisite to please the classic reader, are yet curious, inasmuch as they let us into the manners, customs, and ideas, of our ancestors. In doing which, they form, as it were, one link in the endless chain of eternity. They are to be accompanied with notes, and a glossary: and the laborious work has already been undertaken by several of our literati. Those, the transcription of which is already commenced, are Tragedies and Comedies, written by William Shakspeare; Paradise Lost, an Epic Poem, in blank verse, by John Milton; Mother Bunch’s Fairy Tales; a work usually known by the name of the Principia, written by one Newton; the History of Jack the Giant Killer; and a periodical publication on ethics and the social duties, called the Rambler, written by Dr. Samuel Johnson.
— Advertisement. — The public are respectfully informed, that patent cloud attractors and cloud repellers are now brought to the highest state of perfection. Gentlemen possessing this invaluable discovery may vary the quantity of heat and cold, dryness and moisture, on their estates, according to their pleasure. Made and sold solely by the patentee at his warehouse.
The first stone of the Grand College of Atheists was laid yesterday. We have no doubt that this institution will be the means of extending the empire of pure Wisdom to the farthest bounds of the globe. — The new “Vocal instrument,” lately introduced for reading prayers in the churches of Virginia, is said to be the invention of one of the professors, who by this means hopes to get rid of those dangerous enemies to reason, the clergy.
Boston, New EngIand, Dec. 1, 2318. — NORTHERN EXPEDITION. — By a vessel direct from Baffin’s Bay, We learn that Mr. Van Blubberberg has, succeeded beyond his most sanguine expectations in his experiments on the possibility of taming the whale. Two of these marine giants have already become so domesticated that they obey the voice and signals of their master as readily as a dog. Mr. Van Blubberberg every day harnesses them to a vessel of six hundred tons burden, which, they drag through the waters with more speed, and as much regularity; is as a pair of well managed horses do a carriage on shore. We have no doubt that in a short time this discovery will entirely supersede the use of masts and sails.
Frederick, New Brunswick, Dec. 1, 2318. — The Workmen employed in sinking the immense, pit in this neighbourhood, have lateIy discovered a most extraordinary phenomenon. It is a spring of liquid fire, possessing in an eminent degree every known chemical and culinary quality obtained from the burning of wood, coals, &c. Yet so singular is it in it's properties, that, though it communicates caloric in any quantity, it will burn for ever without diminution; it will not ignite any other known body, and is so harmless that any animal may continue in the midst of the flame for any period without being scorched, singed, or otherwise injured.
[ Francis Moore, physician and astrologer,
Moore, Francis (1657-1715).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Moore's_Almanack ]
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