Applications of Abstract Algebra?

In summary: Another application of field theory is in the study of particle physics. Particles like electrons and protons are described by fields, and these fields are used to calculate the trajectories of these particles. Finally, abstract algebra is also used in computer science. This is often in the form of libraries and tools that are used by developers to write code.
  • #1
What are some applications of abstarct algebra? I have to write a paper and present on a application of abstract algebra and am looking for topic ideas.
Physics news on
  • #3
Cryptography is a good application of it. Also, a lot of quantum mechanics stuff is derived from abstract algebra.
  • #4
Is there anything I could do with combinatorics? Would this involve permutations possibly?
  • #5
You could do something like an enumeration of the allowed configurations of the Rubik's cube. The problem is actually quite nice, in that the solution isn't overly complicated and the answer, which characterizes allowed configurations in terms of the signatures of various permutations of sub-cubes, is fairly easy to state.

If you're looking specifically for interesting applications to combinatorics, you could also try starting with Burnside's Lemma or the Redfield-Polya theorem, both of which are truly beautiful (and powerful) results in enumerative combinatorics that tell you how to count states of things modulo some symmetry group. (For example, using R-P, you can answer questions like "In how many distinguishable ways can I paint the faces of an icosahedron using six different colors, such that exactly 4 of the faces are red?")
  • #6
VKint said:
You could do something like an enumeration of the allowed configurations of the Rubik's cube. The problem is actually quite nice, in that the solution isn't overly complicated and the answer, which characterizes allowed configurations in terms of the signatures of various permutations of sub-cubes, is fairly easy to state.

If you're looking specifically for interesting applications to combinatorics, you could also try starting with Burnside's Lemma or the Redfield-Polya theorem, both of which are truly beautiful (and powerful) results in enumerative combinatorics that tell you how to count states of things modulo some symmetry group. (For example, using R-P, you can answer questions like "In how many distinguishable ways can I paint the faces of an icosahedron using six different colors, such that exactly 4 of the faces are red?")

Ok, I'm doing campanology or the study of bell ringing. I got a lot of good nfo, but is there any good exercises to go along with my paper possibly?
  • #7
First discrete abstract algebra was developed while trying to understand polynomials and their roots. Lie generalized it as continuous groups to solve differential equations. All though now you can find and use differential equation symmetries with little group theory knowledge (but much more linear algebra) the method was still developed using abstract algebra.

Second symmetry groups are used in studying and classifying symmetric objects like viruses and crystals.

Also there are topics like quantum groups and representation theory which are also abstract algebra (but I do not know their details).

Finite groups are used in coding and information theory.

Rings and fields are used in cryptology.

That is all I can remember for now.
  • #8
kathrynag said:
What are some applications of abstarct algebra? I have to write a paper and present on a application of abstract algebra and am looking for topic ideas.

Error control coding (aka error correction coding) uses a fair amount of field theory. This is a crucial part of many digital communication systems (cell phones, satellite TV, etc.) and also digital storage formats (CDs and DVDs).

FAQ: Applications of Abstract Algebra?

What is Abstract Algebra?

Abstract Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies algebraic structures and their properties. It focuses on abstract concepts and generalizations rather than specific numerical calculations.

What are some real-life applications of Abstract Algebra?

Abstract Algebra has numerous applications in fields such as computer science, physics, engineering, and cryptography. It is used to develop efficient algorithms, model physical systems, design error-correcting codes, and secure communication systems.

What are the basic algebraic structures studied in Abstract Algebra?

The basic algebraic structures studied in Abstract Algebra are groups, rings, and fields. These structures have operations defined on them, such as addition, multiplication, and composition, and satisfy certain axioms and properties.

How is Abstract Algebra different from traditional algebra?

Traditional algebra focuses on solving equations and manipulating specific numbers, while Abstract Algebra deals with abstract concepts and structures. It also studies more general algebraic properties and theorems that apply to multiple algebraic systems.

What are some of the key theorems and concepts in Abstract Algebra?

Some key theorems and concepts in Abstract Algebra include the fundamental theorem of algebra, Lagrange's theorem, isomorphism, subgroups, and homomorphisms. These concepts provide a deeper understanding of the structures and properties of algebraic systems.

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