- #1
- 22,183
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- Author: William Burke
- Title: Applied Differential Geometry
- Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521269296/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities:
- Level: Undergrad
Table of Contents:
[*] Preface
[*] Glossary of notation
[*] Introduction
[*] Tensor in linear spaces
[*] Linear and affine spaces
[*] Differential calculus
[*] Tensor algebra
[*] Alternating products
[*] Special relativity
[*] The uses of covariance
[*] Manifolds
[*] Manifolds
[*] Tangent vectors and 1-forms
[*] Lie bracket
[*] Tensors on manifolds
[*] Mappings
[*] Cotangent bundle
[*] Tangent bundle
[*] Vector fields and dynamical systems
[*] Contact bundles
[*] The geometry of thermodynamics
[*] Transformations
[*] Lie groups
[*] Lie derivative
[*] Holonomy
[*] Contact transformations
[*] Symmetries
[*] The calculus of differential forms
[*] Differential forms
[*] Exterior calculus
[*] The * Operator
[*] Metric Symmetries
[*] Normal forms
[*] Index notation
[*] Twisted differential forms
[*] Integration
[*] Cohomology
[*] Applications of the exterior calculus
[*] Diffusion equations
[*] First-order partial differential equations
[*] Conservation laws
[*] Calculus of variations
[*] Constrained variations
[*] Variations of multiple integrals
[*] Holonomy and thermodynamics
[*] Exterior differential systems
[*] Symmetries and similarity solutions
[*] Variational principles and conservation laws
[*] When not to use forms
[*] Classical electrodynamics
[*] Electrodynamics and differential forms
[*] Electrodynamics in spacetime
[*] Laws of conservation and balance
[*] Maccroscopic electrodynamics
[*] Electrodynamics of moving bodies
[*] Dynamics of particles and fields
[*] Lagrangian mechanics of conservative systems
[*] Lagrange's equations for general systems
[*] Lagrangian field theory
[*] Hamiltonian systems
[*] Symplectic geometry
[*] Hamiltonian optics
[*] Dynamics of wave packets
[*] Calculus on fiber bundles
[*] Connections
[*] Parallel transport
[*] Curvature and torsion
[*] Covariant differentiation
[*] Metric connections
[*] Gravitations
[*] General relativity
[*] Geodesics
[*] Geodesic deviation
[*] Symmetries and conserved quantities
[*] Schwarzschild orbit problem
[*] Light deflection
[*] Gravitational lenses
[*] Moving frames
[*] Bibliography
[*] Index
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