- #1
Zack K
- 166
- 6
Homework Statement
Show that the magnitude of the net force exerted on one dipole by the other dipole is given approximately by:$$F_{net}≈\frac {6q^2s^2k} {r^4}$$
for ##r\gg s##, where r is the distance from one dipole to the other dipole, s is the distance across one dipole. (Both dipoles are of equal length and both have charges of magnitude q).
Homework Equations
##F=\frac {kq_1q_2} {r^2}##
##f(x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac {f^{(n)}(0)} {n!} x^n##
The Attempt at a Solution
I worked out the net force that a dipole would be acting on another as: $$F_{net}=kq^2(\frac {1} {(r-s)^2}+\frac {1} {(r+s)^2}-\frac {2} {r^2})$$ This equation is right because I plugged in values for r and s given r is much greater than s, and got the same value for if I used the approximated equation at the top.
I just lack the knowledge of using a taylor series to approximate my equation into the desired one.