Quantitative Analysis Lab Grading: How Strict Is It?

In summary, AS Chem practical marking is used to evaluate a student's practical skills and understanding of experimental techniques in chemistry. It is typically done using a rubric that assesses factors such as accuracy, precision, methodology, and analysis. The teacher's role is to guide and evaluate students during the experiment, and practical marks can be improved upon request. These marks also contribute to a percentage of the overall grade in the subject, providing a practical application of theoretical knowledge and a more comprehensive assessment of a student's understanding of chemistry.
  • #1
In practical AS chem exam if our titration reading doesnot match the examiner how many maximum marks can be cut? If all our calculations and everything is correct using the volume we found how many marks will cut if our titration volume doesn't match the examiners??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That a question for the examiner.

I once had a quantitative analysis course where each lab was graded quite strictly. If the measured value was too far from the actual value, you would get a big fat 0 for that lab.

FAQ: Quantitative Analysis Lab Grading: How Strict Is It?

1. What is the purpose of AS Chem practical marking?

The purpose of AS Chem practical marking is to assess a student's practical skills and understanding of experimental techniques in chemistry. It allows for the application of theoretical knowledge to real-world experiments and provides a practical component to the overall assessment of a student's understanding of chemistry.

2. How are AS Chem practicals marked?

AS Chem practicals are typically marked using a rubric that outlines the specific criteria and expectations for each experiment. The rubric may include factors such as accuracy, precision, methodology, and analysis. The final mark is usually based on the student's performance in each of these areas.

3. What is the role of the teacher in AS Chem practical marking?

The role of the teacher in AS Chem practical marking is to provide guidance and instruction to students during the experiment, as well as to evaluate and assess their performance. Teachers may also provide feedback on areas for improvement and assist students in understanding the experimental results.

4. Can practical marks be improved after they have been initially assessed?

Yes, practical marks can be improved after the initial assessment. If a student is not satisfied with their mark, they can request a re-mark from their teacher. It is important to note that the mark may go up or down during the re-marking process depending on the teacher's evaluation.

5. How do AS Chem practical marks affect overall grades?

AS Chem practical marks typically account for a percentage of a student's overall grade in the subject. This percentage may vary depending on the specific curriculum and school. However, practical marks are important as they provide a practical application of theoretical knowledge and contribute to a more well-rounded assessment of a student's understanding of chemistry.
