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Yes, you pointed to some once, and I didn't find them convincing.Demystifier said:How do you know that? Did you actually read some of the existing Bohmian reinterpretations of relativistic QFT?
Yes, you pointed to some once, and I didn't find them convincing.Demystifier said:How do you know that? Did you actually read some of the existing Bohmian reinterpretations of relativistic QFT?
That's why it's not convincing, because a relativistic theory shouldn't violate the very foundations of relativistic physics, among them the causality structure implemented in the spacetime model.Demystifier said:Nonlocality: There are FTL causal influences according to Bohmian relativistic QFT (by construction)
So you say, there's an unanimous observation in accordance with FTL causal influences?Demystifier said:Completeness: There's not one reproducible observation that contradicts the prediction of Bohmian QFT. In this sense it's complete as a natural sciences.
My religious believes are unaffected by anything science finds out about Nature, because these are completely disjoint realms of human experience, and indeed religious believes shouldn't be discussed in a science forum (imho also philosophy is only confusing the science either).Demystifier said:Whether Bohmian QFT is convincing in a philosophical or religious sense, is subject to personal opinion, and this cannot be answered by the scientific method and as such not subject for discussion in a science forum.
Let me guess. The two of you mean different things by FTL causal influences.Demystifier said:Nonlocality: There are FTL causal influences according to Bohmian relativistic QFT ( by construction).
OK, so it's not convincing in the sense that it doesn't fit some philosophical prejudices. (Not in the sense that it doesn't fit observations, because Bohmian and standard QFT make the same measurable predictions.) Your arguments against Bohmian QFT are philosophical (not scientific) as much as my arguments for it are philosophical.vanhees71 said:That's why it's not convincing, because a relativistic theory shouldn't violate the very foundations of relativistic physics, among them the causality structure implemented in the spacetime model.
Yes. For instance, violation of Bell inequalities is in Bohmian mechanics explained by FTL causal influences.vanhees71 said:So you say, there's an unanimous observation in accordance with FTL causal influences?
Then why do you repeatedly use philosophical arguments against Bohmian mechanics? Or, for that matter, against all interpretations of QM that differ from your favored one?vanhees71 said:imho also philosophy is only confusing the science either
The difference is in entities between which the influences are supposed to happen. Standard quantum theory talks about causal influences between states in the Hilbert space of different subsystems. Bohmian quantum theory talks about causal influences between ontic states (particle positions or field configurations), which are not states in the Hilbert space. Standard quantum theory does not even talk about ontic states, so it cannot see nonlocality that ontic theories can.martinbn said:Let me guess. The two of you mean different things by FTL causal influences.
I consider causality the prerequisite of all science. If there were no causality we wouldn't have any natural sciences, because there were no natural laws to be discovered.Demystifier said:OK, so it's not convincing in the sense that it doesn't fit some philosophical prejudices. (Not in the sense that it doesn't fit observations, because Bohmian and standard QFT make the same measurable predictions.) Your arguments against Bohmian QFT are philosophical (not scientific) as much as my arguments for it are philosophical.
The question shouldn't be about between what entities the influence is. It should be about what entity carries the influence. If you don't have a field that propagates, from one to the other, faster than light, then talking about FTL causal influences is a missleading choice of words.Demystifier said:The difference is in entities between which the influences are supposed to happen. Standard quantum theory talks about causal influences between states in the Hilbert space of different subsystems. Bohmian quantum theory talks about causal influences between ontic states (particle positions or field configurations), which are not states in the Hilbert space. Standard quantum theory does not even talk about ontic states, so it cannot see nonlocality that ontic theories can.
Sure, but Bohmian mechanics is also causal. The issue is whether causality should have a relativistic form, which is not a prerequisite of all science.vanhees71 said:I consider causality the prerequisite of all science.
Not a prerequisite, but given that the other option is refuted by observation, it is the only possibility.Demystifier said:Sure, but Bohmian mechanics is also causal. The issue is whether causality should have a relativistic form, which is not a prerequisite of all science.
But the other option is not refuted by experiment. Just as experiments of 18th century did not refute Einstein relativity, today experiments do not refute the possibility that Einstein relativity can be violated in some regime.martinbn said:given that the other option is refuted by observation, it is the only possibility.
Be careful you start to sound a lot like a crackpot. It is a slippery slope, once you go that way it is hard to go back.Demystifier said:But the other option is not refuted by experiment. Just as experiments of 18th century did not refute Einstein relativity, today experiments do not refute the possibility that Einstein relativity can be violated in some regime.
Well, the empirical decision between the relativistic spacetime models with a limiting speed and the Newtonian spacetime model with no such limiting speed is overwhelmingly decided in favor of the former.Demystifier said:Sure, but Bohmian mechanics is also causal. The issue is whether causality should have a relativistic form, which is not a prerequisite of all science.
Another closely related prerequisite of all science, which Bohmian interpretation accepts but standard interpretation doesn't, is the Reichenbach common cause principle.
Last but not least, considering causality as a prerequisite of all science is a philosophical principle.
A crackpot says: Einstein was wrong.martinbn said:Be careful you start to sound a lot like a crackpot. It is a slippery slope, once you go that way it is hard to go back.![]()
There is no such animal as "empirical decision" in a situation where both models have not been falsified by any experiment. In such situations you can only claim that relativity makes additional falsifiable predictions, in particular that no signals can be send faster than light. But this additional prediction of relativity is quite weak, given that classical ether theory has also speed limits for the sound waves of the ether, namely the speed of sound. So all we need to get the same prediction in a Newtonian context is that all the SM waves are sound waves of some universal ether.vanhees71 said:Well, the empirical decision between the relativistic spacetime models with a limiting speed and the Newtonian spacetime model with no such limiting speed is overwhelmingly decided in favor of the former.
The Newtonian spacetime model is indeed empirically falsified with high significance. E.g., no accelerator for particles to relativistic speeds close to light would work if you'd use Newtonian mechanics to construct it. Also the GPS couldn't work without taking into account General Relativity etc. etc.Sunil said:There is no such animal as "empirical decision" in a situation where both models have not been falsified by any experiment. In such situations you can only claim that relativity makes additional falsifiable predictions, in particular that no signals can be send faster than light. But this additional prediction of relativity is quite weak, given that classical ether theory has also speed limits for the sound waves of the ether, namely the speed of sound. So all we need to get the same prediction in a Newtonian context is that all the SM waves are sound waves of some universal ether.
I think you'd be more likely to be mistaken for crackpot, by the conservative types than other open minded types ;)Demystifier said:A crackpot says: Einstein was wrong.
A conservative scientist says: Experiments proved that Einstein was right.
An open minded scientist says: All existing experiments confirm that Einstein was right in the regimes where experiments have been performed, but we don't know whether Einstein was right in the regimes in which experiments have not been performed yet.
I try to be in the third category, even if, by superficial reading, it creates a risk of sounding like being in the first.
vanhees71 said:Classical aether theory agrees with (special) relativity up to order ##\beta=v/c## and differs beyond that.
Have you really never heard about the Lorentz ether? It is based on the Newtonian spacetime model, but makes the same predictions as SR.vanhees71 said:The Newtonian spacetime model is indeed empirically falsified with high significance. E.g., no accelerator for particles to relativistic speeds close to light would work if you'd use Newtonian mechanics to construct it.
And the extension of the Lorentz ether to gravity which gives the same predictions as GR is also well-known here:vanhees71 said:Also the GPS couldn't work without taking into account General Relativity etc. etc.
No, you learn relativity because the extension of the Lorentz ether to gravity was unknown for a long time and, given there was a relativistic theory of gravity but no comparable ether theory of gravity, it was reasonable to favor GR - unknown theories cannot participate in the competition. And once on anyway for gravity has to teach GR, it makes sense to teach SR even if the classical Lorentz ether is equivalent.vanhees71 said:Of course, the "empirical decision" is in agreement with relativity, not with aether theory, and that's why we all learn relativity in the 1st semester at university and nothing about aether theory (except the professor bothers to make some historical remarks about this hypothesis and its empirical refutation).
Because simplicity is a subjective category. What one person finds simpler another person finds more complicated, and vice versa. For instance, when I solve problems in quantum physics, I often first solve it conceptually with the Bohmian picture in my mind (because that's simpler for me) and then translate the results into a standard "Copenhagen" picture (because that's simpler for most intended readers of the paper I eventually write).vanhees71 said:Why should one use a more complicated scheme for the same physics. Occam's razor is a very useful tool!
A Newtonian background simplifies a lot of things. For example, it gives local conservation laws. For example, think about the "topological foam".vanhees71 said:Why should one use a more complicated scheme for the same physics. Occam's razor is a very useful tool!
I think simplicity can be relative even in a more formal sense, if you consider different ways for an agent(observer) to represent and process information about past, in order to predict the future for the benefit of it's survival. Then it seems obvious that what is the best or simplest way, depends on the agents capacity at hand. So occams razor for an atom may be different from th occams razor for the lab frame where creatures doing QM lives. This would even make noise relative. An agent with higher capacity of decoding information may find information in what a less capacble agent can. I think is interesting and this relativity of simplicity is not just about us humans I think.Demystifier said:Because simplicity is a subjective category. What one person finds simpler another person finds more complicated, and vice versa.
You have nearly as many conservation laws from relativistic (Minkowski) spacetime symmetries as from Galilei-Newtonian spacetime. In fact the Galilei group is a bit more complicated than the Poincare group, particularly when it comes to quantum theory. I can't say anything about quantum gravity, because there's no consistent quantum theory of the gravitational interaction.Sunil said:A Newtonian background simplifies a lot of things. For example, it gives local conservation laws. For example, think about the "topological foam".
A notion of causality which is predefined and independent of the physical configuration simplifies also a lot, especially in comparison with a notion of causality depending on the gravitational field if the gravitational field becomes, because of quantum effects, uncertain.
vanhees71 said:Why should one use a more complicated scheme for the same physics. Occam's razor is a very useful tool!
Occam's razor is important for discouraging overfitting. If one model has to introduce additional parameters to be able to reproduce predictions (hopefully consistent with observations) for which another model needs no such parameters, then it is less simple as far as Occam's razor is concerned.Demystifier said:Because simplicity is a subjective category. What one person finds simpler another person finds more complicated, and vice versa.
vanhees71 said:You have nearly as many conservation laws from relativistic (Minkowski) spacetime symmetries as from Galilei-Newtonian spacetime. In fact the Galilei group is a bit more complicated than the Poincare group, particularly when it comes to quantum theory.
Quantum gravity as an effective field theory exists:vanhees71 said:I can't say anything about quantum gravity, because there's no consistent quantum theory of the gravitational interaction.
I think one is missing - or it is formulated implicitly.Demystifier said:Necessary assumptions:
Sunil said:Think about it: If there is a correlation, then the common cause principle requires some causal explanation. Say, if we observe some correlation between smoking and lung cancer, we require a causal explanation. Smoking causes lung cancer is one, others have been proposed, but the statistics show that if we control for these other explanations the correlation remains. So we conclude that smoking causes lung cancer. How to make this conclusion if correlations no longer require causal explanations?
DrChinese said:This reasoning is basically circular. If correlations require a common cause, and the common cause principle requires causality... then of course correlations require causality. But this is the quantum world! You can't make such sweeping assertions!
Simply put: There is no time ordering required by quantum predictions (I'm thinking of the various array of Bell tests). You can in fact entangle pairs *after* they are measured, by the same mechanism as you would entangle them before they are measured (swapping). Completely consistent with quantum theory are the various acausal/adynamical and time symmetric interpretations. In those, a future measurement setting is part of an overall context. No single component of the overall context can be considered to be the "cause" of the final correlated outcome(s). See for example:
Time Symmetric Quantum Mechanics:
Relational BlockWorld:
As far as anyone knows, these are not inconsistent with relativity. You can't assume classical causality, except by personal preference.
But correlations can be quite arbitrary. Think of the most simple case of two random variables with some joint probability distribution ##\rho(x_1,x_2)##. Expectation values (first order), variances and correlations (second order), skews and all higher order of that distribution are just a the coefficients of a series decomposition much like Taylor is. When the random variables live in a space-time, then there are also coordinates to play with, including time. Ah and yeah, simultaneity isn't well defined here as well.physika said:First, causality goes beyond classical thinking (false dichotomy) and second, correlations can't be arbitrary.
Here is our book on acausal explanation resolving the mysteries of modern physics: Beyond the Dynamical Universe, and here is our most recent paper on it: Beyond Causal Explanation: Einstein's Principle Not Reichenbach's. Accordingly, explanation is fundamentally about 4D constraints and dynamical/causal explanation follows when appropriate. For example, Fermat's Principle is a 4D constraint and Snell's Law is the dynamical counterpart. Typically, people believe the converse is true and that's what causes so many mysteries in modern physics (origin of the universe, grandfather paradox for closed timelike curves, entanglement, measurement problem, ... ). What we argue in the book and paper is that sometimes there just isn't a reasonable dynamical/causal counterpart to the fundamental 4D constraint. Another one that we're all familiar with is the relativity principle applied to the measurement of the speed of light c. Today, we (most of us anyway) just accept that "principle explanation" of time dilation and length contraction without requiring a causal mechanism ("constructive counterpart") a la the luminiferous aether. If you apply the relativity principle to the measurement of Planck's constant h, you get the difference between quantum probability theory and classical probability theory to include Bell state entanglement. Here is a paper on that: Answering Mermin's Challenge with Conservation per No Preferred Reference Frame. Here is an argument using Information Invariance & Continuity per quantum information theory (still under review) that makes the point more generally: The Relativity Principle at the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics.DrChinese said:This reasoning is basically circular. If correlations require a common cause, and the common cause principle requires causality... then of course correlations require causality. But this is the quantum world! You can't make such sweeping assertions!
Simply put: There is no time ordering required by quantum predictions (I'm thinking of the various array of Bell tests). You can in fact entangle pairs *after* they are measured, by the same mechanism as you would entangle them before they are measured (swapping). Completely consistent with quantum theory are the various acausal/adynamical and time symmetric interpretations. In those, a future measurement setting is part of an overall context. No single component of the overall context can be considered to be the "cause" of the final correlated outcome(s). See for example:
Time Symmetric Quantum Mechanics:
Relational BlockWorld:
As far as anyone knows, these are not inconsistent with relativity. You can't assume classical causality, except by personal preference.
?? Quantum theory is science. At least I hope so. Science has to follow scientific methodology. Once it is part of scientific methodology that correlations require causal explanations, causality is part of scientific methodology. Means, causality (the variant of it which includes the common cause principle) is part of scientific methodology. Means, quantum theory is obliged to follow the principles of causality. If some interpretation of quantum theory violates the principles of scientific methodology, it has to be rejected, that's all.DrChinese said:This reasoning is basically circular. If correlations require a common cause, and the common cause principle requires causality... then of course correlations require causality. But this is the quantum world! You can't make such sweeping assertions!
Whatever, all those predictions are compatible with a particular choice of time ordering. Take any time coordinate, and consider the dBB version of such experiments, and you will always find a picture with FTL influences but nonetheless causal.DrChinese said:Simply put: There is no time ordering required by quantum predictions (I'm thinking of the various array of Bell tests). You can in fact entangle pairs *after* they are measured, by the same mechanism as you would entangle them before they are measured (swapping).
I can name also other nonsense which is "completely consistent with quantum theory". I have recently seen a paper discussing the compatibility of Hindu mysticism with quantum theory. Once scientific methodology requires causal explanations for correlations, interpretations which reject causality should be rejected as violating scientific methodology.DrChinese said:Completely consistent with quantum theory are the various acausal/adynamical and time symmetric interpretations.
Same point - compatibility with relativity does not mean compatibility with the scientific methodology. Anti-scientific mysticism may be compatible as with quantum mysticism, as with relativistic mysticism.DrChinese said:In those, a future measurement setting is part of an overall context. No single component of the overall context can be considered to be the "cause" of the final correlated outcome(s). See for example:
Time Symmetric Quantum Mechanics:
Relational BlockWorld:
As far as anyone knows, these are not inconsistent with relativity. You can't assume classical causality, except by personal preference.