At this very moment in time.57 to 57. Anybody watching?

  • Thread starter Les Sleeth
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In summary, even non-sport fans have to love a team who fights back on the enemy's turf and keeps the game within a couple of points for three quarters. Still, go Spurs!
  • #1
Les Sleeth
Gold Member
Even non-sport fans (like me) have to love a team who fights back on the enemy's turf, and keeps the game within a couple of points for three quarters. Still, go SA!
Physics news on
  • #2
I'd love to say the same thing about my Yankees. Ugh
  • #3
Sorry, Les - can you give a point of reference for us dum-dums in the peanut gallery..?
  • #4
Yeah, who's SA? What sport are you even watching? :confused:
  • #5
Math Is Hard said:
Sorry, Les - can you give a point of reference for us dum-dums in the peanut gallery..?

Nope, cain't do it.

I swear . . . GIRLS! You and Moonbear need to hang with the guys more often. :biggrin:
  • #6
Gotta love Horry's clutch play in the previous winning game.
  • #7
Moonbear said:
Yeah, who's SA? What sport are you even watching? :confused:

Okay. It's either selfAdjoint or a famous Texas last-stand town. :-p
  • #8
This must be basketball. I think some of my testosterone-dominant co-workers were prodding me for an opinion on it this morning.
  • #9
Geeze ladies. Just flip through the channels real quick. What sport would have a score of 57 to 57, then SA, come on now :smile:
  • #10
mattmns said:
Geeze ladies. Just flip through the channels real quick. What sport would have a score of 57 to 57, then SA, come on now :smile:
Channel flipping? But I'm watching Jay Leno's monologue now! I immediately tune out when the news goes to sports too. Okay, so it's basketball...that's the only game on as I flipped...and it has a score that shows one of the teams as SA. But that still doesn't tell me who SA is. Texas town...San Antonio? Is that a basketball team?
  • #11
SA is me! :biggrin:
Les said:
I swear . . . GIRLS! You and Moonbear need to hang with the guys more often.
You two can hang with me... because I have no idea what he's talking about either. :wink:
  • #12
TheStatutoryApe said:
SA is me! :biggrin:

You two can hang with me... because I have no idea what he's talking about either. :wink:
Great strategy...while the other guys are busy watching their little games on TV, MIH and I will make a SA sandwich. :biggrin: :devil:
  • #13
Right on! Who needs TV when we've got StatuatoryApe! Flex those biceps for us again, would ya?
  • #14
:cry: Meh it will be over with in a few minutes.
  • #15
mattmns said:
:cry: Meh it will be over with in a few minutes.
well, yeah...that's the problem with most of you guys!
  • #16
mattmns said:
:cry: Meh it will be over with in a few minutes.
Nope, too late, you were busy watching your little game.
  • #17
Math Is Hard said:
well, yeah...that's the problem with most of you guys!
:smile: :smile: Can't believe I missed that opportunity! :smile:
  • #18
I started watching this game and I got to tell you.. my reasons for not liking NBA games were only confirmed. They can't play ball - bunch of overpaid underachievers.
  • #19
:smile: Nice MIH!

game is over now, SA won.
  • #20
mattmns said:
:smile: Nice MIH!

game is over now, SA won.

Well, he knew that as soon as MIH and I both agreed to join him. :biggrin:
  • #21
Moonbear said:
Well, he knew that as soon as MIH and I both agreed to join him. :biggrin:
Lol... exactly! :biggrin:
  • #22
TheStatutoryApe said:
SA is me! :biggrin:

You two can hang with me... because I have no idea what he's talking about either. :wink:

Oh, you are just trying to hit on two of PF's hottest babes. You probably know every defence designed by man.
  • #23
Les Sleeth said:
You probably know every defence designed by man.
I haven't a clue about any of that sports stuff, but I am well acquainted with just about every defence designed by women.
  • #24
Les Sleeth said:
Oh, you are just trying to hit on two of PF's hottest babes. You probably know every defence designed by man.
Lol... I do watch ESPN. Only for poker and billiards tournies though. :biggrin:
I seriously know next to nothing about sports.
  • #25
TheStatutoryApe said:
Lol... I do watch ESPN. Only for poker and billiards tournies though. :biggrin:
I seriously know next to nothing about sports.
:!) :!) It's amazing how easy it is to get sucked into watching a poker tournament! They have a Texas Hold 'Em tournament on Saturday nights on NBC (after all the reruns of SNL are over), and somehow I always wind up watching it. Then again, the only competing shows are infomercials at that hour. :rolleyes:
  • #26
who loves ginobilis hangtime dunks...they look like finger rolls till he's just above the rim.
  • #27
neurocomp2003 said:
who loves ginobilis hangtime dunks
Is that a new species or something? I've never heard the word "ginobilis" before. :smile:
  • #28
I watched it from the first jumpball till the end.And I'm VERY HAPPY !:smile:

Any really tired...

  • #29
"I started watching this game and I got to tell you.. my reasons for not liking NBA games were only confirmed. They can't play ball - bunch of overpaid underachievers."

its called high pressure defence? #1 and #2 defence teams in the league of course the games going to looko sloppy... now you want to talka bout a bunch of overpaid underacheivers...lets talk about baseball/soccer/football...though i do like soccer.

moonbear: new species yup straight from argentina most known for their bush like top. :bugeye: and for their intense jumping nature though some are known to sprawl on the floor...hmm my biology sucks. bah
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  • #30
neurocomp2003 said:
who loves ginobilis hangtime dunks...they look like finger rolls till he's just above the rim.

Yeah, he's had a few of those this series. They're always astonishing. That's becoming his signature move.

How about Bruce Bowen's clean block of Billups' 3 with one minute remaining? Defensive play of the year.

I kind of like the Spurs, which is good, since they're going to win a few more before all is said and done (before Duncan retires). Much needed relief after those damned Lakers and Bulls dynasties.

FAQ: At this very moment in time.57 to 57. Anybody watching?

1. What does "At this very moment in time.57 to 57. Anybody watching?" mean?

This phrase is often used in scientific experiments or observations to indicate a specific time frame during which data is being collected or an event is occurring. The numbers following the phrase are usually used as a timestamp or reference point.

2. Why is the timestamp in the format of ".57 to 57"?

The format of ".57 to 57" is commonly used in scientific experiments because it represents a specific time frame in seconds. The ".57" refers to 57 milliseconds, while "57" represents 57 seconds.

3. Who is being asked if they are watching?

The phrase "Anybody watching?" is often used to address anyone who may be observing the experiment or event at that specific moment in time. This could include other scientists, researchers, or even the general public.

4. What is the significance of asking if anyone is watching?

Asking if anyone is watching is important in scientific experiments because it acknowledges the presence of observers and ensures that the data collected is not biased or influenced by outside factors.

5. How does using a timestamp benefit scientific experiments?

A timestamp is a useful tool in scientific experiments as it allows for precise documentation of when data was collected or an event occurred. This helps with accuracy and reproducibility of the experiment and its results.
