Bose Einstein condensate on subatomic particles

  • #1

My name is Peter

I know that so far some couple of people manage to make a Bose -Einstein condensate from a metal and from hydrogen, I would like to ask your opinion about what do you believe will happen if not the full atom will be brought to the Bose Einstein condensate state or to temperatures near absolute 0 or even lower, meaning if only the protons or only the neutrons will be brought to temperatures near absolute 0 or even lower.
In reality this I believe is very hard to realize because of the instability of particles ? but if there is a method to trap the sub atomic particles theoretically what do you believe will happen ? will it be easier or possible to rearrange the atomic structure and eventually recreate matter or nano structures ?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Firstly you can not go lower than absolute zero.

And secondly, the temperature of a system is dependant on the kinetic and radiative properties of its atoms. (some one can correct me if I'm wrong). So I don't think that its possible to cool individual sub-atomic particles.

  • #3
Hello Jim

Thanks for your reply, the idea of cooling subatomic particles near absolute 0 or even more came to me after I have seen that in Geneva in the LHC (Large Hadron Collide r) there are protons accelerated near the speed of light. I asked myself why subatomic particles could not be coled near absolute 0 if they can be accelerated? the LHC is a cryogenic machine after all I know that reason for this is to obtain powerful magnetic fields.

You say that going lower than absolute 0 is not possible now, I know that, can u tell me your opinion of why is that ?

Another perspective regarding this is that Bose - Einstein condensate is seen as a static matter (meaning all methods found so far to obtain this condensate are by laser meaning or by electromagnetic meaning) both applied to matter directly in a static state not to subatomic particles in a dynamic state is weird tho because matter is never at rest not even in a Bose Einstein condensate. Anyway I find this interesting and fun to discuss my ideas are based on self questions and try to overcome the limits and find practical alternatives to the impossible things. In the quantum world everything is possible and only some things predictable. Thank you again for paying interest in my post
  • #4
fairtudor said:
Hello Jim

Thanks for your reply, the idea of cooling subatomic particles near absolute 0 or even more came to me after I have seen that in Geneva in the LHC (Large Hadron Collide r) there are protons accelerated near the speed of light. I asked myself why subatomic particles could not be coled near absolute 0 if they can be accelerated? the LHC is a cryogenic machine after all I know that reason for this is to obtain powerful magnetic fields.

You say that going lower than absolute 0 is not possible now, I know that, can u tell me your opinion of why is that ?
It isn't Jim's opinion ; it is fact.
It's because of the laws of thermodynamics. (they pretty much trump everything else)

The three laws of thermodynamics are immutable, they can't be broken.. ever.

Below is my Opinion:
I suggest searching all three on the internet and reading and understanding them (it won't take long to briefly understand them.) Any law in science which is immutable, and can never (ever) be contradicted or overturned no matter how fancypants the physicist (or league of physicists) is who disagrees with it, is worth looking into. It a core part to all physics fields and a good place to start learning about the world if you are unfamiliar with them. A solid understanding of all three will quickly dispel a lot of psuedo-science.
That paragraph is my 'laymans' opinion.
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  • #5
subatomic particles - protons, etc. are all fermions.
they do not form BECs.
u cannot accumulate them in their ground state.

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