Calculate PKA Velocity in 10keV Fe Collision

  • #1
I've been trying to understand a simulation for a collision cascade. The PhD that produced this code says that he is modelling a 10keV collision in Fe. From this he says that his PKA velocity is 2620.579 ang/ps or 262057.9 m/s and I'm wondering how did he get this?
I've assumed that the collision would transfer a maximum energy and I've assumed that it is an Fe-Fe collision since I don't know any other way of getting close to his value if I tried a Fe-n collision. So if anyone could help me figure this out please that would be really useful.
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  • #2
10 keV and 262km/s lead to A=28, something like silicon. Iron at that energy would be slower.

What is your primary particle that collides with the material?
  • #3
[QUOdoesn't say b, post: 5008341, member: 405866"]10 keV and 262km/s lead to A=28, something like silicon. Iron at that energy would be slower.

What is your primary particle that collides with the material?[/QUOTE]
It doesn't say what incident particle it is although I would assume a neutron. Although it could be an iron particle.