Cascade Definition and 27 Threads

The Cascade Range or Cascades is a major mountain range of western North America, extending from southern British Columbia through Washington and Oregon to Northern California. It includes both non-volcanic mountains, such as the North Cascades, and the notable volcanoes known as the High Cascades. The small part of the range in British Columbia is referred to as the Canadian Cascades or, locally, as the Cascade Mountains. The latter term is also sometimes used by Washington residents to refer to the Washington section of the Cascades in addition to North Cascades, the more usual U.S. term, as in North Cascades National Park. The highest peak in the range is Mount Rainier in Washington at 14,411 feet (4,392 m).
The Cascades are part of the Pacific Ocean's Ring of Fire, the ring of volcanoes and associated mountains around the Pacific Ocean. All of the eruptions in the contiguous United States over the last 200 years have been from Cascade volcanoes. The two most recent were Lassen Peak from 1914 to 1921 and a major eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. Minor eruptions of Mount St. Helens have also occurred since, most recently from 2004 to 2008. The Cascade Range is a part of the American Cordillera, a nearly continuous chain of mountain ranges (cordillera) that form the western "backbone" of North America, Central America, and South America.

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  1. Callicious

    Op-amp compensation of cascade fudges audio signal oddly

    Links: LTSpice Pre-amp schematic (resistor values/capacitor values different) Gerber Op-amp Datasheet Hi all; Presently designing pre-amp for my analogue MEMS microphone for bioacoustic recording (ultrasonic, especially.) Don't own an oscilloscope, so relying on spectrograms of audio for...
  2. P

    Engineering Alternative design for a CE-CC cascade amplifier

    Here is a common CE-CC cascade amplifier- Here, the output of the emitter amplifier is directly connected to Q2, without any coupling capacitor or any voltage divider bias. This may harm the base-emitter junction of Q2 in case of unwanted output voltage from Q1 collector. But in that case, the...
  3. H

    I Waveform collapse due to entaglement cascade

    In my limited understanding of the quantum measurement problem, I am imagining the whole thing as corresponding to a kind of "weighting down" by a cascade of entaglement. Here is my very simple understanding of the quantum measurement problem: A waveform (Schrödinger equation) describes the...
  4. JPLphys

    A Minibands and Minigaps in Quantum Cascade lasers

    Summary:: What is the structure and how are minibands and minigaps in QC Lasers implemented Hello everybody, I have a question regarding the miniband and minigaps that are displayed widely in diagrams about the functioning of Quantum Cascade Lasers. How are this mini-gaps established...
  5. A

    Engineering BJT circuit with cascaded stages

    This cascade is divided into 3 sections thus: the leftmost section is an emitter follower : Ib1 = (15V-0.7V)/ ( R1 + 151R2) IE1= 151*Ib1 re1= 26mV /(IE1) Zb1= 150( re1+ R2) AV1= (-150*R1)/ (R1+Zb1) the center section is an unbiassed BJT : Ib2 = (15V-0.7V)/ ( R3 + 151(R4+Re2a) ) IE2=...
  6. Adrian Tudini

    Power of a Quantum Cascade laser by theory

    hi Just a little question. How does one calculate the power of a QCL by theory? Is there any free software that allows one to calculate the power of a inputted laser medium for a qcl? Thanks. Adrian
  7. K

    I Understanding Quantum Cascade Lasers

    Hello I am struggling to understand the concept of Quantum cascade lasers. I am doing research on a 20 period In0.33Ga0.67As (3.1 nm)/Al0.90In0.10As (7.2 nm) superlattice and would like to fully understand how a quantum cascade laser works. I also have not taken quantum mechanics yet so I...
  8. D

    V2 of two symmetrical T attenuator pads in cascade

    Homework Statement Above is a sketch of the circuit, a two stage symmetrical attenuator consisting of two symmetrical T attenuator pads connected in cascade, with the values that I have worked out for the resistors. The reduction is 15dB in the first stage, and 8dB in...
  9. Yousef Dajani

    Why do we use Cascade Refrigeration Systems?

    I know that the Cascade Refrigeration Systems are more efficient than the normal Refrigeration Systems, but I still don't know why?
  10. Kara386

    Electromagnetic cascade in a calorimeter

    Homework Statement A calorimeter is made from layers of lead (1.75mm thick) alternated with layers of scintillator. The radiation length ##X_0## of lead is ##0.64cm##. In an EM shower the number of particles doubles and the energy of each particle halves per radiation length travelled. The...
  11. Astronuc

    Cascade Volcanoes and Cascadia Subduction Zone

    Since we often get comments on US Volcanoes, particularly those in California, Oregon and Washington State, I thought it would be worthwhile to have a separate Cascade Volcano thread. USGS has a Cascade Volcano Observatory. There is also a site on...
  12. zonde

    I Are photons from atomic cascade directly entangled?

    As far as I know first entanglement experiment used polarization entangled photons from atomic cascade. As I understand atomic cascade produces entangled photons from two electrons that emit photons by falling from the same orbital to the same lower orbital (so they have the same spin). Now it...
  13. cnh1995

    Cascade connection of induction motors

    In cumulative cascade connection of two induction motors, why does the net speed reduce? Also, how are the torques of the two motors in the same direction?
  14. G

    Where Can I Find Quantum Cascade Lasers Quiz Samples Online?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to get on web an exam sample or quiz or exercises, on "Quantum cascade lasers"? Thank you.
  15. S

    Exploring Cascade Cryogenics: From Methylene Chloride to Liquefied Air at 70K is this thing accurate? It uses methylene chloride as first refrigerant, then ethene, and then oxygen, and gets to liquefy air...down to 70kelvins after researching the very small info on the net about cascade...
  16. N

    Electron wave function in quantum cascade laser?

    How are these pictures taken of the electron wave function without the wave function collapsing? Does this mean that electron wave functions are real waves after all? Wikipedia Quantum cascade laser will give you the discription
  17. G

    Quantum Cascade Lasers: Intersubband Transitions

    Why for quantum cascade lasers used only intersubband transitions in the conduction band. Although in a heterostructure there are also quantized levels in the valence band, which I think also can be used for lasing? Thank you.
  18. P

    Microwave Engineering -- Noise figure of a cascade

    Hi, I am taking a course in Microwave Engineering and we were given the following problem to solve An amplifier with a gain of 12 dB, a bandwidth of 150 MHz, and a noise figure of 4 dB feeds a receiver with a noise temperature of 900 K. Find the noise figure of the overall system. Need I to use...
  19. A

    Calculate PKA Velocity in 10keV Fe Collision

    Hi, I've been trying to understand a simulation for a collision cascade. The PhD that produced this code says that he is modelling a 10keV collision in Fe. From this he says that his PKA velocity is 2620.579 ang/ps or 262057.9 m/s and I'm wondering how did he get this? I've assumed that the...
  20. A

    How Do You Calculate the Overall Voltage Gain of Two Cascaded CS Amplifiers?

    Homework Statement two identical CS amplifiers connected in cascade. 1st stage fed with vsigand Rsig=100k ohm. load RL= 10k ohm connected to drain of 2nd stage. each MOSFET biased at ID = 0.25mA and VOV=0.25V. assume VA is very large. Each stage has RD=10k ohm. a) sketch equivalent circuit of...
  21. T

    Calculating Current Through Compensation Winding in Cascade Voltage Transformer

    Got cascade voltage transformer made from two completely identical units. On secondary winding, load takes I2=1A Number of compensation and secondary windings is equal. I need to find current trough compensation winding Ic . θ1 = θ2 --> θ1 = I1N1 + IcNc - I2N2 --> θ2 = I1N1 - IcNc --> I2N2...
  22. I

    Building a JFET Transistor Cascade for Gain, Linearity & Stability

    I need help on how to cascade two or three Jfet transistor and the calculation of the values to have a good amount of gain. The cascade also should help in providing good linearity, have less distortion and should stable good stability.Thanks, good help will really be appreciated by me.
  23. F

    Cascade Tube Particle Accelerator

    Building a Particle Accelerator Hi, I just stumbled upon these forums and joined with the hopes that I could seek some help from some more experienced people. Thank you for your time.
  24. I

    What Controller Configuration Works Best for Cascade Buck Converters?

    i want to design cascade buck converter,but I'm kinda confuse about the controller that i'll use for the converter...there are 2 options, i make the controller independent from 1 converter to another, or i just make the controller dependent, it means that i have only 1 controller for all...
  25. B

    How to design 2decade BJT-OPAMP cascade inverting voltage amplifier?

    Can somebody help me to find this kind of really appreciete your help Specification Only one bjt,one opamp ua741 and asingle power supply of 12v must be used. A 10k ohm load and an input signal will be connected via capacitors to the amplifier. The max voltage gain is about...
  26. N

    How Do You Design a Cascade Cooler for an Air Separation Plant?

    Hi Experts :smile: Finally I think I found the correct space to assist me from experts. I need urgent help from u pp about the Cascade Cooler. We r doing a project in our college as final year BE, Mechanical students in India. We have choosen to Design the Cascade cooler which is used...
  27. J

    Have you heard of the Electron Cascade Effect?

    Hello all, I have been doing some research into alternative energy sources when I came across this interesting principle called the electron cascade effect. Apparently, it allows one to draw energy from the ambient air particles. Here are some links I found concerning it. What do you all...