Calculate the final velocity of each cart after a collision

  • #1

Homework Statement

Cart 1 has a mass of 1.5 kg and is moving on a track at 36.5 cm/s [E] toward cart 2. The mass of cart 2 is 5 kg, and it is moving toward cart 1 at 42.8 cm/s [W]. The carts collide. The collision is cushioned by a Hooke's law spring, making it an elastic head-on collision. Calculate the final velocity of each cart after collision.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I plugged all my values into the head-on elastic collision formulas and I got vi1=84cm/s but the answer in the book is 3.15cm/s. I am really sure I have the right answer. Is there a mistake in the book?
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  • #2
I'm not liking any of the answers, yours or the book's (although yours looks somewhat better :smile: )

Can you show your work in detail?
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  • #3
rrosa522 said:

Homework Statement

Cart 1 has a mass of 1.5 kg and is moving on a track at 36.5 cm/s [E] toward cart 2. The mass of cart 2 is 5 kg, and it is moving toward cart 1 at 42.8 cm/s [W]. The carts collide. The collision is cushioned by a Hooke's law spring, making it an elastic head-on collision. Calculate the final velocity of each cart after collision.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I plugged all my values into the head-on elastic collision formulas and I got vi1=84cm/s but the answer in the book is 3.15cm/s. I am really sure I have the right answer. Is there a mistake in the book?
Are you sure about the mass of cart 2?
  • #4
The answer in the text I believe is incorrect I got -85cm/s like u
  • #5
Physicsfailure123 said:
The answer in the text I believe is incorrect I got -85cm/s like u
Can you show your work in detail? (I'm not disagreeing or agreeing with your conclusion, but we don't simply confirm/deny answers here).
  • #6
The book answer would be correct if either cart 1 had a mass of 15kg or cart 2 a mass of .5kg.
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Likes gneill
  • #7
The elastic collision impulse (calculated using formula Δp=2μΔv) is 1.83 Ns. Can be subtracted from the pre-collision momentum of each cart to find the final momentum and hence velocity. Seems to agree - more or less - with answer of -84 (-85) cm/s obtained by OP and PhysicsFailure123 (for Cart 1).
  • #8
neilparker62 said:
The elastic collision impulse (calculated using formula Δp=2μΔv) is 1.83 Ns. Can be subtracted from the pre-collision momentum of each cart to find the final momentum and hence velocity. Seems to agree - more or less - with answer of -84 (-85) cm/s obtained by OP and PhysicsFailure123 (for Cart 1).
I think it is fairly clear there is either an extra decimal point or, more likely, a missing one in the given data. See post #6.
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Likes neilparker62
  • #9
haruspex said:
I think it is fairly clear there is either an extra decimal point or, more likely, a missing one in the given data. See post #6.
Yes, if we take cart 1 to have mass 15kg , then the collision impulse Δp will be ##594.75 \times 10^{-2}Ns ## and subtracting this from the initial momentum of cart 1 will lead to the book answer of 3.15cm/s (west) for final velocity of cart 1.