Calculate the oxidation number of carbon

In summary, the first reaction produces two products with carbon in an oxidation state of +4. The second reaction releases less energy but also produces less CO2. The second reaction also requires a distillation process to purify the products, while the first reaction only requires separating the gases. However, the extra energy released in the first reaction may not be available for power production, as it is used in the production of the fuel. Therefore, the second reaction may be more efficient in terms of energy usage.
  • #1

Homework Statement

C6H12O6[tex]\rightarrow[/tex] 3CO2 + 3CH4 [tex]\Delta[/tex]H = -132 kJmol-1

C6H12O6[tex]\rightarrow[/tex] 2CO2 + 2C2H5OH [tex]\Delta[/tex]H = -68 kJmol-1

1. Calculate the oxidation number of carbon in each of the products of the first reaction.

2. Comment on the relative advantages and disadvantages of these 2 types of fermentation as sources of fuel from glucose.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

1. i found carbon to be at an oxidation state of +4 in the products of the first reaction.

2. the first reaction releases more energy than the second one. it is more exothermic.

the second part contains 3 marks, so i think i need 2 more points, but i can't find anything more.

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  • #2
Well I guess a disadvantage would be the production of CO2 everytime you break down glucose. So while it does release more energy it releases more CO2 as well.
  • #3
Your first answer is incomplete. There are two products...

In the first reaction, you have a mixture of two gases and you will have to separate them unless you want to use the methane contaminated with CO2. In the second reaction, the products are dissolved in the broth (beer?) and must be distilled to be purified. Which process do you think is easier?

What advantage/disadvantage is there for a process that liberates more energy in the production of one of these fuels? Is that energy available for power production or is it wasted in the production of the fuel?
  • #4
i think that if the process producing the fuel liberates more energy, then on oxidation of the fuel, less energy will be liberated.

and, i think it is easier to separate the methane from CO2 (maybe cooling the mixture to make the CO2 solidify?!) than taking the ethanol out of the broth.

i had in mind that it was that energy released from the above reactions that were used, and not the energy from the further oxidation of methane or ethanol. :-S

but what you say makes much more sense. thnks

FAQ: Calculate the oxidation number of carbon

1. What is an oxidation number and why is it important?

An oxidation number is a way to keep track of the number of electrons an atom has gained or lost in a chemical reaction. It is important because it helps determine the chemical properties and reactivity of a substance.

2. What is the general rule for calculating the oxidation number of carbon?

The general rule for calculating the oxidation number of carbon is to assign a value based on its electronegativity and the number of bonds it forms with other atoms. Carbon typically has an oxidation number of +4 in compounds, but it can also have a value of -4 in some cases.

3. How do you calculate the oxidation number of carbon in a compound?

To calculate the oxidation number of carbon in a compound, you must first identify the other atoms it is bonded to and determine their individual oxidation numbers. Then, use the overall charge of the compound and the general rule for carbon's oxidation number to solve for the unknown value.

4. What are some common examples of compounds where carbon has a +4 oxidation number?

Some common examples of compounds where carbon has a +4 oxidation number are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4).

5. How does the oxidation number of carbon affect its chemical behavior?

The oxidation number of carbon can greatly affect its chemical behavior. When carbon has a +4 oxidation number, it tends to be more reactive and can easily form bonds with other atoms. On the other hand, when carbon has a -4 oxidation number, it is less reactive and tends to form covalent bonds instead of ionic bonds.

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