- #1
- 81
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Homework Statement
The Spacing between the Na and Cl atoms in table salt (NaCl) is ##d=2.82x10^{-10}m##, which was first deduced from Bragg scattering. For an experiment where X-rays of energy 20 eV are produced, what are the corresponding Bragg angles below ##90^{\circ}## for scattering from a large crystal of table salt?
Homework Equations
Bragg's Law: ##2dsin(\theta)=n\lambda##
The Attempt at a Solution
##\lambda = \frac{hc}{E_{photon}}##
##\theta = sin^{-1}(\frac{nhc}{2dE})##
##\theta = sin^{-1}(\frac{n*1240eV\dot nm}{2*0.282nm*20eV})##
##\theta = sin^{-1}(n*109)##
but this isn't within the domain of arcsin. So are there just no Bragg's angles here? Or is there a different energy that I'm using rather than 20 eV?