Calculating Horsepower Needed to Lift 150 kg for 20 m in 10 min

  • #1

Homework Statement

Lifting a box (150 kg) up for 20 meters in 10 minutes, how much horsepower needed?

Homework Equations

1 Watts = 1 Joule/sec
1 Horsepower = 746 Watts

The Attempt at a Solution

I've figured this out but I got a very low horsepower :( about 0.065 hp, does it correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
Pao44445 said:

Homework Statement

Lifting a box (150 kg) up for 20 meters in 10 minutes, how much horsepower needed?

Homework Equations

1 Watts = 1 Joule/sec
1 Horsepower = 746 Watts

The Attempt at a Solution

I've figured this out but I got a very low horsepower :( about 0.065 hp, does it correct?
Sounds about right.
  • #3
Answers are not always intuitive.
For instance, using the energy consumed by a 100 W bulb for an hour; to what height (using this energy)
could you raise a 100 lb (about 40 kg) bundle of shingles? The answer might surprise you.