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Homework Statement
I am having trouble determining the error for a set of linear equations that represent a simple circuit with two voltage sources. I have found two possible uncertainties by solving using substitution, detailed below.
The circuit is shown below:
Homework Equations
I am solving the circuit using loop analysis and the two equations found are:
1. I1R1 + R2(I1+I2) = V1
2. I2R3 + R2(I1+I2) = V2
The Attempt at a Solution
Solving 2. for I2 and subbing into 1. gives:
I1 = 25.8 mA +- 17.2%
Solving by back subbing into 2. gives:
I2 = 128.5 mA +- 6.1%
or subbing I1 into 1. gives:
I2 = 128.5 mA +- 25.8%
So which one is correct 25% or 6%?
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