Can an Enclosed Superconducting Loop Generate Electromotive Force?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a superconducting wire loop and the application of a time-dependent magnetic field to induce an electromotive force according to Faraday's law. It is noted that although the superconductor cancels any magnetic field within it, the magnetic field can still exist in the space enclosed by the loop. The conversation also mentions the law of Lenz and Ohm's law in relation to the cancellation of magnetic fields within the loop.
  • #1

If I take an enclosed superconducting wire loop, and apply a time dependent magnetic field in the space enclosed by the wire ( and therefore a time dependent magnetic flux) , this should induce electromotive force ( according to faraday's law). However any potential difference should not be possible due to the vanishing electrical resistance. I understand that a superconductor acts to cancel any magetic field within the superconductor, but here the magnetic field can be in the middle of the space enclosed by the loop, distanced from the superconductor itself.

Any help would be appreciated
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  • #2
The current in the loop generates a mag field opposite to the external mag per law of Lenz. Equilibrium is reached when cancellation occurs not only inside the conductor, but in the interior of the loop as well. The plane formed by the loop receives an incident mag field, time varying. A Lorentz force moves the electrons in the conductor around the loop. A mag field surrounds this conductor. Law of Lenz describes this field as having a polarity opposite to the external mag field. Use the right hand rule, and the internal mag field extends into the interior of the loop.

Eventually the fields will cancel. Since J = sigma*E, per Ohm's law, sigma is infinite for a superconductor, so E has to be zero, likewise potential is zero. Does this help?

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  • #3

Thanks allot.

FAQ: Can an Enclosed Superconducting Loop Generate Electromotive Force?

What is an enclosed superconducting loop?

An enclosed superconducting loop is a circuit made up of a superconducting material that is formed into a closed loop. This loop allows for the flow of electrical current with virtually no resistance, making it an important tool for conducting experiments and creating specialized equipment.

How does an enclosed superconducting loop work?

An enclosed superconducting loop works by taking advantage of the properties of superconducting materials, which have zero electrical resistance when cooled to extremely low temperatures. This allows for the flow of current without any loss of energy, making the loop highly efficient for conducting experiments and other applications.

What are some practical applications of enclosed superconducting loops?

Enclosed superconducting loops have a wide range of practical applications, including use in MRI machines, particle accelerators, and sensitive scientific instruments. They are also used in the development of quantum computers and in the study of superconductivity itself.

What are the advantages of using enclosed superconducting loops?

The main advantage of using enclosed superconducting loops is their ability to conduct electricity with zero resistance. This makes them highly efficient and precise, making them ideal for use in scientific experiments and specialized equipment. They also have the potential to revolutionize energy storage and transmission systems in the future.

Are there any challenges or limitations to using enclosed superconducting loops?

One of the main challenges of using enclosed superconducting loops is the need to maintain extremely low temperatures to keep the superconducting material in its superconducting state. This can be expensive and difficult to achieve on a large scale. Additionally, the cost of superconducting materials and the complex manufacturing process can also be a limitation for widespread use.

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