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Ivette Fuentes and her group are attempting to use phonon excitations in BECs to detect gravitational waves. Their GW-detector is called MAGA, which stands for Micrometre Antenna for Gravitational-wave Astronomy. Here's a video of her explaining it:
More from their blog:
More from their blog:
MAGA is a proposed Gravitational Wave (GW) detector that uses the phononic excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) to observe GWs. This revolutionary new type of detection scheme is underpinned by quantum field theory (QFT) in curved space‐time, a theory that has not been used before in GW physics. As the GW passes through the BEC, it resonates with a pre-prepared phononic quantum field, generating measurable changes to the state of this field. The signal is further enhanced by exploiting quantum correlations in the initial phononic field so that Quantum Metrology techniques can be applied. Unlike interferometry schemes that require a size of the order of kilometres, MAGA will be able to operate at similar levels of performance but with a size of the order of micrometres. This will enable small Earth‐based BEC setups that are of very low cost in comparison to interferometry-based detectors.
The type of GWs that should be detectable are those that would be expected from black hole and binary star merges, rotating neutron stars (with imperfections), and supernovae.
Currently MAGA is in the theoretical stage, with the characterization of all sources of noise being a primary target so that the detector can be designed appropriately for implementation in the laboratory. Information about realistic experimental capabilities will continue to be provided to our team by experimentalists L. Hackermüller (Nottingham), F. Cataliotti (INO‐CNR), C. Westbrook (CNSR) and J. Schmiedmayer (TU Vienna).