Can someone explain this math JOKE ?

  • Thread starter wlcgeek
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In summary, the Mathematician, Biologist, and Physicist are sitting in a street cafe watching people go in and come out of the house on the other side of the street. First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while they notice three persons coming out of the house. The Physicist says that the measurement wasn't accurate. The Biologists conclusion is that they have reproduced. The Mathematician says that if now exactly 1 person enters the house then it will be empty again.
  • #1
Can someone explain this math "JOKE"?

A Mathematician, a Biologist and a Physicist are sitting in a street cafe
watching people going in and coming out of the house on the other side of
the street.

First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while
they notice three persons coming out of the house.

The Physicist: "The measurement wasn't accurate.".
The Biologists conclusion: "They have reproduced".
The Mathematician: "If now exactly 1 person enters the house then it will
be empty again."

I saw this on a bunch of sites and just didn't get it. :-p
Physics news on
  • #2
Well, I guess its a scientist's joke. The idea is that if something appears that wasn't there before, a physicist is used to calling this a measurement error, a biologist is used to observing unexpected reproduction and a mathematician doesn't care about the real world, just about the pure math, so there is nothing wrong in his eyes with saying that there is now '-1' people in the house.

Silly joke :P
  • #3
They are all assuming that the house was initially empty of people, so if two go in and three come out, there must be -1 persons in the house.
  • #4
The joke relies on familiarity with habitual thought processes in the different disciplines and realizing how they have been misrepresented here.

The Mathematician is easiest to understand - the change in people leaving the house is -1, but the character has mistaken this information to mean there is less than 0 people in there.

Biologists in the field may find a population changes with successive observations.
This is a normal part of life - if the population should increase, it would be common to conclude that births have exceeded deaths between observations. In this case the character has failed to take account of the time between observations re human reproductive times (though we are not told what this time is.) But, at least, the character has not made assumptions about how many people are in the house.

Physicists deal with physical measurement as a matter of routine. Measurement is plagued by statistical uncertainties.

The key to his statement is figuring out what the "measurement" was ... by context, the measurement is of the number of people who have gone into the house. The initial measurement was such that "2 people went into the house". However, since three people come out, that statement is false. The characters comment suggests that this is due to some sort of statistical uncertainty in the measurement when it is more that the data no longer supports the original conclusion.

OTOH: the physicist has not made as many assumptions about the system as the others.

Taken the other way around you get a progression of increasingly silly-sounding observations based in some characteristic thought process for the discipline represented, building emotional pressure, culminating with a conclusion so silly nobody would really think that ... listener who gets it realizes and laughs or groans or something, releasing the pressure.

Usually one of the disciplines comes of "worse" than the others.

Also see the different disciplines considering the proposition: "all odd numbers are prime"
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  • #5
A lot for a 'hahaha'... :D

Simon sure does sound like Sheldon...
  • #6
Well ... I am not crazy, though, my mother had me tested!

By the way, I made a number of mildly amusing grammar and spelling errors in the post which you may enjoy discovering. There may be a small prize for the reader who uncovers the most.
I wonder who it will be - I do enjoy a mystery...
  • #7
Simon Bridge said:
I made a number of mildly amusing grammar and spelling errors in the post which you may enjoy discovering. There may be a small prize for the reader who uncovers the most.

I quit counting after the 3rd paragraph. You're evil.
  • #8
Hahaha... :D

FAQ: Can someone explain this math JOKE ?

1. Can you explain the math joke to me?

Sure! The joke is based on a play on words. The word "integral" in math refers to the mathematical concept of finding the area under a curve. However, in this joke, it is used as a pun on the word "integral," meaning essential or necessary.

2. I don't understand the punchline of the math joke. Can you break it down for me?

Of course! The punchline "It was a necessary solution" is a play on the word "necessary." In math, a "solution" refers to the answer or solution to a problem. So the joke is saying that the solution was essential or necessary, but it is also a pun on the word "necessary" in the context of math.

3. Is there a deeper meaning to this math joke?

Not necessarily. This joke is mainly just a play on words and doesn't have any significant mathematical significance or hidden meaning. It's meant to be a lighthearted and clever joke for those who understand math.

4. Why do people find this math joke funny?

Humor is subjective, so not everyone may find this math joke funny. However, for those who understand math, they may find it amusing because it combines two different meanings of the word "integral" in a clever way. It also pokes fun at the often serious and complex nature of math by using a common math term in a humorous way.

5. Can you provide some other examples of math jokes similar to this one?

Sure! Here's one: Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems. In this joke, the word "problems" can refer to both mathematical problems and personal problems, making it a play on words. Another example is: Why did the math book look so sad? Because it had too many problems, but no solutions. This joke plays on the fact that in math, a "solution" refers to the answer to a problem, but in everyday life, "solutions" can also refer to solving a problem or issue.
