Can we attain a disire approxomation for asymptotic perturbative QTF Theo?

  • Thread starter ndung200790
  • Start date
In summary, the question is whether an arbitrary small error can be attained in asymptotic perturbative QTF Theory. The answer depends on the specific theory being considered. For QED, high-order perturbative calculations have shown a good convergence and accuracy in comparison to experimental results. However, for more complex theories such as QCD, the series may not converge and require clever resummation schemes to obtain accurate results. In these cases, the 2PI formalism and the HTL approximation have been successful in approximating the pressure of the system.
  • #1
Please teach me this(please forgive me if stupid question):
Can we attain an arbitrary small error(e.g calculating S-matrix) for an asymptotic perturbative QTF Theory.Because if we can not,I think that is problematic.But with asymptotic perturbative theory,in general the series does not converge,so the error may not tend to zero.
Thank you very much in advanced.
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  • #2
It depends on the theory. For QED up to now we have a phantatic "convergence", i.e., doing high-order perturbative calculations leadds to a very good accuracy for observed quantities (in comparison to experiment). For asymptotic series, one should stop at the order of the calculation where an n-th order correction (in whatever approximation scheme you work; in QFT usually you work in the number of loops, i.e., orders of [itex]\hbar[/tex]) becomes larger than the correction at (n-1)-th order.

If it comes to QCD, which is much more complicated due to the self interaction of the gluons, we usually observe a very bad "convergence" of the series. E.g., if you calculate the pressure of a quark-gluon plasma, it alternates like crazy between the different orders. Thus perturbation theory for this (in principle observable quantity!) becomes ill defined right away. The solution for this problem are clever resummation schemes. In this case one has to use the 2PI formalism of quantum field theory in combination with the hard-thermal loop (HTL) approximation which leads to the notion of massive quasi particles making up the pressure of the QGP. This method is a pretty good approximation for temperatures above two to three times the critical temperature, as can be shown by comparing to lattice-QCD calculations.

FAQ: Can we attain a disire approxomation for asymptotic perturbative QTF Theo?

Can you explain what asymptotic perturbative QTF theory is?

Asymptotic perturbative QTF theory is a theoretical framework used in quantum physics to study the behavior of systems under the influence of small perturbations. It uses perturbation theory to approximate the solutions to complex quantum equations and is often used to study the behavior of particles at high energies.

What is the significance of attaining a desire approximation for asymptotic perturbative QTF theory?

Attaining a desired approximation for asymptotic perturbative QTF theory allows us to better understand the behavior of quantum systems and make more accurate predictions about their behavior. It also helps us to develop new theories and models that can be used to study and manipulate these systems for practical applications.

How do scientists go about attaining a desire approximation for asymptotic perturbative QTF theory?

Scientists use a combination of mathematical techniques, computer simulations, and experimental data to attain a desired approximation for asymptotic perturbative QTF theory. They also collaborate with other scientists and share their findings to continuously improve and refine their approximations.

Are there any limitations to the accuracy of asymptotic perturbative QTF theory approximations?

Yes, there are limitations to the accuracy of asymptotic perturbative QTF theory approximations. These limitations are mainly due to the complexity of quantum systems and the difficulty in accurately simulating and measuring their behavior. However, scientists are constantly working to improve and refine these approximations.

How can the results of asymptotic perturbative QTF theory be applied in real-world scenarios?

The results of asymptotic perturbative QTF theory have many practical applications, including the development of new technologies such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. It also helps us to better understand the behavior of materials at high energies and can potentially lead to new advancements in fields such as medicine and energy production.
