Cartoon Spider Walking a Dog in the Rain and Other AI Generated Images

  • #1
So I just discovered DALL*E, an AI that generates images based on text descriptions input by the user.
And it is FANTASTIC. Fantastically amusing, that is. The images are generated in blocks of 9, and are VERY strange.
The full version is a commercial product I believe, but there's a 'mini' version that generates lower resolution images that can be found here:

Here's a screenshot of the images generated by the input "cartoon spider walking a dog in the rain". I haven't checked to see if the same input generates different images each time.

AI Spider Image.png

Try the program out and post your favorite here.
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  • #2
Darth Vader eating sushi in bed:

AI Darth Vader.png
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  • #3
Quantum Mechanics:

Black Hole:
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  • #4
"rama lama ding dong" returned a bunch of Dali Lama pictures. No Ding Dongs though.
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  • #5
I tested it, no luck.
Mario bitcoin running produced the horrible pictures:
Then I tried "Scorpion cleaning a mouse", and there was no scorpion, only mouses. One of which had 3 ears... but nothing like a scorpion anywhere. I quit.


  • dallemini_2022-6-19_14-20-49.png
    87.6 KB · Views: 154
  • #6
I only thought this one was necessary for the sake of completion:

Schrödinger's cat

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  • #7
Physics Forums:
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  • #8
fluidistic said:
I tested it, no luck.
Mario bitcoin running produced the horrible pictures:
Then I tried "Scorpion cleaning a mouse", and there was no scorpion, only mouses. One of which had 3 ears... but nothing like a scorpion anywhere. I quit.
Don't give up. I've been running dozens and have found the following:
  • Pictures of people are terrible but inanimate things like trees are quite interesting.
  • Purposeful mispellings tend to come back interesting. I tried "all schtook up" and it had nothing to do with Elvis.
  • It's Dali, so the weirder the phrase, the better. I tried treebeard and got a LOTR set of pictures. Then I tried treebard which put mouths on trees. Finally, the phrase "tree barge" returned barges with trees growing out of them. Some of the pictures in "Flying trees" looked like they had rocket engines pushing them skyward.
Another set using the phrase "dali eating the moon". Very Dali-like:
dali eating the moon_dallemini_2022-6-19_9-15-21.png
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Likes pinball1970, DennisN, Oldman too and 1 other person
  • #9
Borg said:
"rama lama ding dong" returned a bunch of Dali Lama pictures. No Ding Dongs though.
I dunno. Can you prove that the Dali Lama is not a Ding Dong? I find it more likely than not.
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  • #10

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  • #11


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  • #12
fresh_42 said:
I only thought this one was necessary for the sake of completion:

Schrödinger's cat

But, but, they're all alive! That can't possibly be right...
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  • #13
berkeman said:
But, but, they're all alive! That can't possibly be right...
I copy/pasted that line into the bar, the resulting images were too bizarre to post.
This is an interesting paper, thought I'd drop the link before posting my efforts at AI generated images.


GPT's face.
GPT-3's face.PNG

MC Escher (not too bad a job on the tessellations)
MC Escher.PNG
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  • #14
Drakkith said:
So I just discovered DALL*E, an AI that generates images based on text descriptions input by the user.
And it is FANTASTIC. Fantastically amusing, that is.
Yes, it's very fun!
Me and my friends have sent each other funny images from DALL-E mini for some time.
Here are some of my creations (quite bizarre :smile:):

Girl with a Pearl Earring smoking:

Girl with a pearl earring smoking.jpg

Mona Lisa using a Macintosh computer:

Mona Lisa using a mac computer.jpg

Jesus demonstrating a Macintosh computer:

Jesus the Mac user 2.jpg

Furthermore, one of my friends recently sent me a number of fantastic high resolution images made with DALL-E (I don't think it's possible at this moment to generate hi-res images with DALL-E online):

A cat with a pearl earring:

a cat with a pearl earring.png

Cat on chessboard:

Cat on chessboard.png



Cleopatra checking her iPhone:

Cleopatra checking her iPhone.png

Dog wearing a hot dog suit:

Dog wearing a hot dog suit.png

Garfield horror film:

Garfield horror film.png

Girl with a pearl earring behind the scenes:

Girl with a pearl earring behind the scenes.png

(to be continued...)
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  • #15

Homer Simpson running in a mall:

Homer Simpson running in a mall.png

Mc End:

Mc End.png

Portable washing machine for cats:

Portable washing machine for cats.png
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  • #16
@DennisN Wow, those are amazing pictures. Wish I could use the good version!
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  • #17
Drakkith said:
Wish I could use the good version!
Yeah, me too! :smile:
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  • #18
For comparison, here's the 'dog in hot dog suit' from the Dall E mini version:

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Likes Oldman too and DennisN
  • #19
I generated a brand new one today:

Darth Vader drinking Coca Cola
("You don't know the power of the dark coke...")

Darth Vader drinking a Coca Cola.jpg
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Likes Drakkith, Oldman too and Borg
  • #20
DennisN said:
Yeah, me too! :smile:
Some of your images have exceptional resolution, do some of your cohorts have the commercial version? The search parameters your using are great by the way.
(edit note) I see some like the McEnd are done on DALLE2, got to look into that. :woot:

This is an idea my wife came up with for one.
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  • #22
DennisN said:
Darth Vader drinking Coca Cola
There must be balance in the Force, so here's "Yoda drinking a Pepsi": :smile:

Yoda drinking a Pepsi (Dall-E).jpg
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  • #23
Just got through the waitlist and was able to use the full program just now. It's much better than the free version, but certainly not perfect. For comparison, here's the 'cartoon spider walking a dog in the rain' prompt in the full version. Compare to the original up in the first post.

dalle spider dog in rain.png

Here's 'darth vader eating sushi in bed'. Compare to original up in the 2nd post.

dalle vader in bed sushi.png

Here's 'digital art of darth vader fighting batman on a train in the moonlight'.

dalle batman vader train.png

Note that the original images are full size. These are just a quick screenshots.
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Likes pinball1970, Oldman too, DennisN and 1 other person
  • #24
Oh wow! Easily my favorite so far!
Input phrase: 'digital art cute fox scientist mixing chemicals'

dalle fox scientist.png
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  • #25
Phrase: watercolor mother holding baby in the sunset

dalle mother holding child sunset.png

@Evo here's a cute kitty or four for you.
Phrase: painting of cute kitten in grass

dalle cute kitten painting in grass.png

Phrase: digital art of a dragon painting a picture of a puppy
dalle dragon painting picture of puppy.png

That's probably all for now unless I see some that really stand out. I've got about 40 credits left and each phrase has cost me 1 credit so far to generate 4 images, so I can take a couple of requests. Credits currently cost $15 for blocks of 115 credits, but I got 50 for free initially.
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Likes Oldman too, DennisN and collinsmark
  • #26
Okay, the previous post was supposed to be the last for tonight, but I just found out it can do writing/text! Wanted to send my fiancée something cute so I put in this phrase: digital art cute red panda with phrase 'I Love You' above head

dalle red pands love you.png

It even put the heart in place of the word 'love' in the 2nd picture!
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Likes DennisN and collinsmark
  • #27
Borg said:
Don't give up. I've been running dozens and have found the following:
  • Pictures of people are terrible but inanimate things like trees are quite interesting.
It's the free version. People are uglified deliberately.
  • #28
Hornbein said:
It's the free version. People are uglified deliberately.
Are you certain of that?
  • #29
Drakkith said:
Are you certain of that?
Yeah. I frequent an artists' group. Some are willing to pay for the real thing and show the results.

If people can get the service for free then most will never pay.
  • #30
Hornbein said:
Yeah. I frequent an artists' group. Some are willing to pay for the real thing and show the results.

If people can get the service for free then most will never pay.
I assumed that the free version was just much worse overall at everything, including making faces, than the paid version. For the reasons you stated.
  • #32
"Very cute, but not for the faint-hearted"

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